Part 2: Falling For You

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Caleb's POV

I felt hot as my lips brushed her face but she quickly pulled away and I felt lonely for a second without her near me.

I think I like her, Caleb Turner Johnson thinks he likes a stubborn but sexy girl.

Wait what, no no NO. I can't like her I only sleep with girls once in a while, that's all, or is it. Boi no, just no.


Rose's POV

I woke up and didn't find Ally on the bed, as weird as it sounds I thought she left me all alone. But, as I peaked on the edge of the bed I saw her laying on the floor dripping saliva on her mouth.

I pulled the white duvet down and got out of bed, my room is also pretty simple, white walls, black rug, black chair, aesthetic paintings, yep simple af.

I tip toed to the bathroom trying my best to not wake up Ally.

As I took a quick shower and the water droplets dropped gently on my skin I placed my hand on my cheek, it still felt warm from the kiss Caleb gave me I felt anxious I wanted more.

Ew no stop Rose he doesn't like you. He's a hoe.

I turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around my body, I brushed my pearly white teeth, ahh I love my teeth they make me confident.

As I walked out the bathroom I jumped a bit frightened as I saw Ally right in front of the bathroom door.

"Ally what the hell I thought you were asleep" I squealed with a very high pitched voice, which even scared me to be honest.

"I was asleep until YOUR ugly ass woke me up, and it's 5:30 in the morning, what are you doing awake this early" She said with a serious tone and rolled her eyes.

"Well..Umm I...I...kinda..well I,"

"SPEAK" Ally screamed.

"I couldn't sleep last night" I murmured.

"Why, I slept like an angel" she said while flipping her hair and winking.

"Ally, I...I think I like him" I said very weakly. I'm never weak what's wrong with me?

"WHO" her eyes got so wide I could fit a soccer ball in them or even a canon...

"Ally...I think I like Caleb"

I know it's short but hello suspense baby😘😉Hope you enjoyed, luv y'all🌸

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