Part 3: Girlfriend?

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"You WHAT" Ally finally spoke with her mouth wide open. "I knew that one day you would finally open your eyes but him?!, out of all the boys in the world you had to fall for Caleb Johnson!!, I mean he is pretty hot...but who would've thought that the girl who hates every boy in this world fall for the biggest jerk in eternity!!" She said then chuckled and my face felt hot.

She was right, how could I fall for someone like him he can barely get a D- in school. His dimples tho...Think straight Rose!

"Well what now, are you gonna tell him or something, tell me so I can get popcorn and 3D glasses" she said and winked at me with a slight of a smirk. I gave her my deadliest glare.

What if I was his girlfriend I thought, Roseeee get it together babe!!He is a manwhore!!

"Do you want me to hand you clothes for school or are you gonna wear what you wore on Sunday" I asked with an innocent tone, Ally hates my style in clothing, all I wear is comfy clothes and mostly black, grey and white...and a bit of pink;).

While in the other hand she wore very colorful clothing that were so bright I swear my eyes burned while looking at them.

"Um no thanks, I'll rather die than wear your clothes" she said then chuckled.

"Suit yourself my style is fabulous bitch" I winked and walked towards my closet to pick some clothes as I was searching shirt by shirt I started thinking. What if pigs could actually fly and animals could talk, I shrugged. I put on a plain black shirt with some white ripped jeans and my black converse. Dope.

When I finally got ready I got in my car and drove to Campus singing my melodies, push me to the edge, all my friends are dead...send to me your location...D-O-L-L-H-O-U-S-E...let it gooooo, let it it to late now to say sorryy.

We finally got to the prison...cough...cough...I mean school yep school...

School is pretty easy for me because I'm a smart ass, everyone calls me a nerd but I don't mind. I mean being a nerd has its perks Straight A's free stuff, did I mention free stuff?

School is like another library but instead of books there's  horny teens and f-boys. I touched the right side of my cheek. He kissed me, oh shush he kisses every girl on campus. But he stilled kissed ME.

What am I saying I hate boys, a simple kiss on the cheek isn't gonna make me forget that all boys are jerks, I got out of my car and started walking with Ally to the campus but I had to cross by him...

Caleb's POV

I had to cross by the girl I currently am having puppy love with, seriously universe;(. She looked so gorgeous, her curves perfectly lined with the outfit she was wearing, her brown eyes gazing into mine, but I suddenly looked away because if I continued to look at her I would've devoured her in a second. For the first time I actually liked a girl and not just wanted her in my bed. Even tho I did want Rose in my bed, I cared about her she's innocent while I'm...not so innocent.

"" I said with an awkward smile. So embarrassing man.

She chuckled, god she's so adorable , "Did a cat catch your tongue or something".

" no I mean" I awkwardly chuckled.

"Caleb, it was just a simple kiss on the cheek, she sighed I know it didn't mean anything to you, so please just stop with the little act"


"I need to go" I said, I turned around and quickly speed walked inside the campus to my class.

Ouch right in his poor heart, but do you think the ship is sailed or not yet??Hope you enjoyed!! Luv you guys🤓❤️

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