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- 30 minutes earlier -

The car hummed gently, cold air hitting my face. Papá drove in silence, a soft smile on his lips as the music played on the radio. Mars was on the backseat texting his girlfriend, the love for her played across his smile.

It was always adorable to see how much he loved her, made me jealous of how I was a hopeless romantic.

"Camilla says hello," Mars speaks up breaking the silence.

I smile closing my eyes, taking in the fresh pine scent in the air, "Tell Milla I said hello back."

I sigh, my body feeling at complete peace. The cold air was rocking me to sleep, the soft tune on the radio was doing no justice at keeping me awake.

"You alright there sweetie?" Papá asks, his eyes focused on the road.

"Yeah, just a bit sleepy," I open my eyes. "You know how cold air is so relaxing, makes me doze off."

"Your mom was like that too," he chuckles. "Take a small nap, I'll wake you up when we're near Mars' house."

I nod, resting my head on the window. My eyes drifting up to the starless sky then the side of the road. It was hard to see, yet slight silhouettes could be made out up ahead.

"Looks like someone got stranded," I sit up, looking harder into the darkness. "Do we check it out?"

Papá nods, giving me a half shrug. I look back at Mars, his eyes focused ahead into the darkness.

"Something isn't right," Mars frowns, his green eyes still fixated up ahead.

"What are you talking about?" I ask squinting my eyes, try to make out what he was seeing.

Papá drove us closer, the headlights illuminating the scene. A woman was sprawled across the street, one of her legs almost completely gone, my heart felt like it was going to burst.

Time felt like it had stopped, things almost in slow motion, the cries of a baby coming from inside of the car and the screaming from Mars telling Papá to step on the gas.

There was a little girl with completely white eyes staring at us, her icy stare holding no remorse as she pulled out intestines from the woman on the street.

Her pink dress stained with blood, her body slowly stumbling towards the crying baby in the backseat of the car. I knew what was going to happen, but somehow it wasn't registering in my brain.

My eyes close in instinct, the cries of the baby going higher in pain, the sound echoing in my ear over and over.


Mars was screaming asking papá to go faster before the girl caught up. I couldn't understand, the truck was speeding fast down the street. I couldn't feel my body, no thought was coursing through my head.

I was frozen.

A loud sound hitting my ear, the babies cries echoing in my head, my heart feeling it could stop at any moment.

My right arm feeling a quick sting then pressure, my brain feeling like it was pounding to the point my skull would break.

My eyes clouded with black dots until there was only darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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