Chapter One: New kid

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"Aikotsu-San, please pay attention, I won't repeat this twice. If you get lost, I will not help you." The woman I stood in front of looked at me sceptically, as if dealing with a child. I'll be honest, I have the attention span of a goldfish sometimes, and it does nothing but irritate people. I have a hard time focusing in class, much less to a lady trying to tell me where my class is. I figured I would just find someone in the halls who knew where to go.
"Gomen'nasai sensei. I am a little out of it today." I gave a small smile, then stood up. "I will head to class now." I bowed a little, then left the main office. As I walked through the halls, I observed the students of Nekoma high. The beige sweater vest and black skirt were very basic compared to other schools I had been to, but it was a nice change. It made me blend in more, and it wasn't too tight. I shifted my backpack on my shoulder and wandered to my locker, where I dumped out my extra three notebooks, then headed where I thought my class might be.
As I walked aimlessly through the halls, I accidentally bumped into a wall. At least, what I thought was a wall.
"Excuse me, I didn't see you there," A male with a bedhead spoke, his smile kind of creepy.
"My apologies." I replied, stepping around him and continuing my walk.
"Sorry, but are you new? I haven't seen you around before." Bedhead-san asked, falling into step with me.
"I just transferred. It's my first day," I said shortly, not looking at him.
"What year are you?"
"You know you are in the wrong hallway then, right?" He asked, grinning at me in an almost cat like way.
"I figured as much. I wasn't paying attention when the principal was talking." I replied, looking up at the boy next to me. "So could you tell me where I need to go?"
"Sure. What class are you in?" He asked, turning a corner with me in tow.
"Class three I believe. I wasn't really paying attention to that either..." I trailed off, trying to remember what the principal had said to me.
"Hey, my friend is in that class!" He smiled enthusiastically.
"Cool." I looked around the hallway, trying to familiarise myself with my surroundings.
"Oh, I just remembered, I haven't introduced myself. Kuroo Tetsurou, third year."
"Aikotsu Maia." I replied, not really bothering to try and remember the name. I probably wouldn't ever talk to him again, so what would be the point?
"Well, here you go. Class three." He gestured to the classroom door.
"Arigato." I walked in, not turning back to him.
"Weird..." Kuroo murmured, staring after her, ignoring the second years who were staring at him in awe and confusion. It wasn't every day Kuroo visited a lower class man hallway. Actually, no, yes it was.
I took a seat near the window of the classroom and got my headphones of of my bag. I started the music from my relaxing playlist, then began to stare out the window at the sky. There were few clouds today, just a bright blue that seemed to go on forever.
I don't know how long I stayed like that, but I was brought from my thoughts when a tap was presented to my shoulder. I looked to the side to find a student standing there, staring at me. I hesitantly took my headphones off, not quite ready to leave the comfort of their familiar sounds.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the past two minutes. How loud is your music?" They asked, a slightly grumpy expression on their face.
"Not that loud, I just don't hear people if I'm not specifically listening for them," I replied with a shrug, about to go back to staring out he window.
"Hey! I just got your attention!" They boy waved his hands frantically, trying to keep my attention.
"What?" I asked, looking him up and down. He was rather tall, and had a blond mohawk standing out against he shortly cropped dark hair.
"I was trying to ask who you are." He demanded, crossing his arms.
"Aikotsu Maia," I introduced for the second time today. I don't know why these people were trying to greet me, didn't most people usually ignore the new kid? That's what happened at my other schools...
"Yamamoto-San, why are you here? This isn't your class." A kid asked. I looked around for the voice, noticing a guy standing in the doorway of the classroom. He was of short stature, blond hair with black roots, and golden cat like eyes.
"Kuroo told me there was a new girl that I should say hi to, so I sought her out." Yamamoto replied, uncrossing his arms and looking to the the other boy.
"Don't bother her. And get to class," The kid murmured, walking over to another window side desk.
"Kenma, don't hog the new girl," Yamamoto pouted, sulking as he walked out.
I looked at the boy with interest, curious as to why he seemed so influential to the other student while also indifferent.
"Kenma Kozume."
I blinked, registering what he had said. Ah, he's introducing himself. I nodded, then put my headphones back on. "Aikotsu Maia."
After repeating my name for the fourth time today, I returned to looking out the window at the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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