Chapter 18

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Sebastian didn't even bother to put on his calm face as he was shuttled back to the Hand of the Emperor. General Vanin met him at the door of Nathan's interrogation room, looking pissed as well.

"He certainly didn't go down without a fight. Two of my best agents were injured capturing him," he grumbled in greeting to the emperor.

"I just want to talk to him for a bit, and then I'll leave," Sebastian said. "You're better at this interrogation stuff anyways."

"Alright then," General Vanin responded, and then he stepped towards the door to the room, which opened automatically.

Sebastian sat down in a chair across from Nathan but couldn't face him right away. "Do you want anything?" he asked. "Coffee? Tea?-"

"Truth serum?" General Vanin, who was leaning against a wall, added.

"I'm fine," Nathan said curtly. He was bruised and disheveled. His scarf was torn in a few places and the white gloves had disappeared. "The troops you sent to arrest me could have been gentler, though."

"Traitors don't deserve gentle treatment," General Vanin spat.

"He's still my son," Sebastian Allistair said.

"I'm not your son!" Nathan yelled. "I never was. My entire life was a lie. You should have told me. Before your daughter came along."

"I didn't want you to be hurt."

Nathan sighed. "Not telling me hurt even more. And your way of thinking, of wanting to protect people from every little thing that could hurt them, is going to be the Empire's downfall."

"But why would you want to hurt Aria? Surely you cared for her, at least a little bit."

"No, I didn't. She's the reason I'm not getting what I was promised for years. And, yes, I know I went overboard in my scheme. But because of your over-protectiveness, I was never able to mature. Now leave! I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Sebastian stood up from the table, allowing General Vanin to sit down. "Very well then. I won't see you again until your trial," he said, and then left the room.


Monitors beeped quietly in the intensive care unit of the Duphrane. Rex had gotten out of surgery an hour ago, and now Aria was sitting in the recovery room with Kokona waiting for him to wake up.

Aria had been asked if she wanted to talk to Nathan at all, but she declined the offer for now. She was still extremely unsettled from the events of the past three days. Half and hour ago, Kokona had brought in a sandwich for her to eat, but she hadn't touched it.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Aria asked.

"Aria, I have no clue. But for now, Rex is gonna live," Kokona responded, taking a bite of her own sandwich.

Suddenly, a nurse came running into the room. "Princess Aria, I need you to come with me," she said in a rushed tone.

"What is it?" Kokona asked instead of Aria.

"Miss Erasmus, I know you care about Aria, but she needs to come with me right now. It's about her father, Emperor Sebastian."

Aria stood up when she heard her father's name asked. "What happened?" she asked.

"There's no easy way to tell you this," the nurse said, "But he collapsed suddenly and had a seizure while coming back to the Duphrane. He's asked to see you."

"I-but-how-why?" Aria stuttered.

"Go, Ria," Kokona insisted. "If Rex wakes up, I'll tell him where you went."

Quietly, Aria nodded and followed the nurse out the door. During the trip, which involved multiple elevators and shuttle trams inside the Duphrane, everyone Aria encountered seemed subdued. Most of the time, when Aria was on a military ship, people would say hello once in awhile, but this time everyone just gave a sad look in her direction.

People had crowded around Sebastian Allistair's room, but got out of their way to let Aria in, and then resumed their positions by the door and window.

"Hello, father," Aria said quietly.

"Aria, please come over to me," he replied.

Sebastian Allistair was laying in a hospital bed with his upper body propped up. Doctors and other staff hovered in the corners of the room checking the equipment that was hooked up to the Emperor.

"I'm not going to be around much longer," he continued.

"What do you mean, father?" Aria asked.

"I was diagnosed with lung cancer three months ago. I ordered my doctors not to tell anyone about my condition because of the uncertainty it would create."

"I can understand that."

"You're not mad that I didn't tell you?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to feel."

An older nurse in blue scrubs tapped Aria gently on the shoulder. "Princess, the on-board oncologist has ordered a CAT scan to check his brain health. We need to take him now, but I can stay and explain what has been going on."

"Why does he need a CAT scan?"

"There's a high chance the cancer has spread. We have to check."

Aria just nodded and sat down on one of the chairs in the room as the nurse left with her father. Twenty-five minutes later, a middle aged man in glasses and a lab coat walked into the room.

"Princess, the results of your father's CAT scan are in, and I wanted to tell you in person," he said.

"Are you the one that performed the scan?" Aria asked
"No, ma'am, but I was the one that analysed the results."
"Since I don't see the point in beating around the bush, I'll just tell you. The cancer has spread to his brain. He isn't expected to survive the week."

Whispers broke out throughout the room, but Aria was too absorbed in her own thoughts.

Eventually, she asked the doctor, "Can I see him?"

"Not right now," the doctor said. "We need to perform some other health assessments. We're en route to Luna City and you can see him when we get there."


After a day of travel, the Duphrane was back at Luna City. Word had gotten out to the media that the Emperor had collapsed and was diagnosed with cancer. Aria's guards, Kokona, Gabriel, and Dacia had rejoined her, and now they were all sitting in a suite of rooms at General Prescott Memorial Hospital.

The doctor that was in charge of Aria's dad's care had just gone out of the room to get something that he needed. Gabriel was peeking out of the window at the crowds of reporters and passersby that had gathered outside.

Aria and her father were holding hands and quietly talking.

"Is Rex going to be alright?" Sebastian asked weakly.

"Yes, as far as I know. I haven't been to see him," Aria replied quietly.

"You two...will be good for each other. I'm just sad I won' able to be there. I can't even see well anymore."

"Dad, you can make it. I don't want to be alone," Aria cried softly.

"You won't be. I love you, Aria."

Sebastian closed his eyes. Aria noticed that his face also went slack.

"Dad?" she asked.

He didn't respond.

"Dad." Aria said, louder.

Still nothing.

"Dad!" she yelled.

Kokona, Dacia, and Aria's guards stood up from the corner they were playing cards in.

"Gabriel, get over here. Kokona, go get Dr. Sullivan," Dacia ordered.

Gabriel pulled the curtain shut as his sister walked quickly out of the room. Aria, who was still holding her father's hand looked up at him, her silent tears running down her face.

Without any ceremony, Gabriel checked Sebastian's neck and wrist for a pulse and also checked for breathing. When he stood back up, he said simply, "Dr. Sullivan won't be needed. The Emperor is dead...

"Long live the Empress."

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