the new kid

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Liam p.o.v.

I am walking to my locker thinking about how bad this year is going to be. Then I see a new guy. A hot new guy. Hmm maybe this year won't be so bad...

Ok so for starters I'm gay. Only my closest friend knows this. And I honestly hide it really well.

I walk up to the new kid and say " HI I'm liam,  r u new here?" The new kid responded by say. " um. Yeah I'm theo.  But I'm guessing u probably already know that I'm new." I was in confused. "What?" "Oh I saw you looking at me from your locker." Oh ok. I replied. He then gave me a piece of paper and said. I belive this belongs to you.

I open it and it's his number . It said call or text when ever.

As the day went on I had theo in 6 of my classes and we were lab partners. I told him that my parents aren't getting home till late and that a few friends are coming over. I invited him and said that he could just walk home with me.

*walking home *

I'm walking home and theo runs to catch up to me . "Oh hey u ready for tonight " " yeah it'll be fun "  he replied.
We walk up to my house and I see a couple of my friends already Thier. Lilly, Jason and Cam were all sitting down waiting while Mason, Lydia and stiels were all talking and laughing.

We walk up to them and introduce theo. Cam winks at me bc he's the one who knows about me.

We walk inside and everyone scatters some go to the kitchen others go to my room while some go the living room to watch netflix. My friends are basic but Thier awesome to so.

*skip till midnight *

My parents still aren't home and everyone is either passed out or gone home. Me and theo are the only ones awake. We don't have school Tomarrow so it doesn't matter. (But I do. Screw Mondays)

I decide to wake people up and everyone decided to go home except for theo. For some reason he almost seemed scared to go home.

We went up to my room and I gave him some clothes to wear. He went to the bathroom and changed. I sat down on my bed waiting. He soon came out and sat next to me. Then pined me one the bed. He said " I'll tell you a secret if you tell me one" I told him that I had really. Bad anxiety. He then asked how many people know. I told him that everyone.
I mean it's not a secret.

He then said "tell me a real secret" then I came out to him idk why but I did. "I'm gay "

He looked at me then said. " I was diagnosed with IED when I was 4" "oh I'm sorry" I said truly meaning it. He then proceeded to tell me not to tell. Anyone.

After a while of talking about stuff he asked me. " who do you like?" I blushed and didn't say anything. Finally after him pestering me I Said "you I like you ".

I could see the shock on his face then he kissed me. It was passionate but calm. It was us. I was shocked at first but then I kissed back.

We finally after talking forever decided to go to sleep. I was left with the thought of coming out to theo then him kissing me. Tonight was full of events.

Ta da .., this is my first ff where I don't have to make up the characters fully. So I hoped you liked it. I will try to update soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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