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Elise POV:

I'm at home and I'm cooking Xavier's favorite meal. It's my famous lasagna with mozzarella, tomatoes, and chicken! It was passed down from my grandpa, he taught me how to cook. But anyways, I have exciting news for Xavier and I can't wait until he gets home!

I hear the door open and walk up to Xavier. "How was work?," I asked.

Xavier shrugged of my shoulder and turned to me with fury. "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU WHORE!!," yelled Xavier.

"W-What did I do?," I asked.

"Heh, what did you do?..... WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!," yelled Xavier, "You cheated on me." in a deadly calm voice.

"W-Wait, what?" I asked with clear confusion.


"XAVIER LISTEN TO M-" I yelled back but I was interrupted, "NO! NO! NO! I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXPLANATION!!" He yelled.

His veins were popping out of his neck in fury along with a red face. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt wetness on my cheeks. My eyes were misty and blurred my surrounding.

I heard a smack on the table and it was a stack of papers........ divorce papers. I looked at him in confusion and shock. I looked back and forth, Xavier made eye contact with me. His eyes softened but harden as soon as it came.

He turned around to leave and turned back to say, "I want you out of this house by tomorrow morning."

I nodded my head and looked back to the papers and signed them, to get it over with. I know I didn't sleep with anyone so, I know I'm not guilty. But as stubborn as Xavier is he won't believe me.

I hear Xavier walk to his study and slams the door. I rush up to our- no his room and gather my stuff. I get out my suit case and pack up. Xavier walks into his closet to get his clothes and goes into the bathroom for a shower. I'm still packing and kneel down to grab some clothes so I can take shower in one of the guests rooms.

I get up to walk out when I'm suddenly pressed to a wall. I look up to see Xavier's eyes on me and let out an audible gulp. We was only in a towel that hung lowly on his waist. There was steam coming off of him from his shower and he stood there in all his glory.

"Why?," asked Xavier in a pained voice. "I gave you everything...... Why did you cheat on me?" He asked.

I let out a breathy laugh and I look him in the eye, replying back, "I didn't cheat on you. I didn't DO ANYTHING! I was home all day, cooking FOR YOU!"

Xavier's eyes got dark and yelled out, "LIAR!!!" and pushed off the wall and stormed into the bathroom.

I sprinted out to the guest bathroom, I closed the door and leaned against it. I slid down and broke down into tears. And started thinking about what just happened...... Does he not trust me? Shouldn't he believe his own wife? Why can't he hear me out?

I slowly got up and started my bath. I got in and cried more. I was crying so much that I didn't notice Xavier getting in with me. His strong arms hugged me from behind and we stayed like that for a while.

He turned me around and I looked at him with my puffy/watery eyes. His thumb brushed a stray tear away and gently held my chin. We made eye contact, he leaned in and our lips touched.

He started to kiss me and without a second thought, I kissed back. The kiss was sensual at first but it started to get heated. I wrapped my arms around Xavier's neck and his hands gripped my waist. His hands inched up to my breasts and he gropes them gently, I let out a moan and Xavier groans into my mouth.

He pulls me closer to him and runs his tongue along my bottom lip. I moaned and opened my mouth giving him access, our tongues were fighting for dominance. Xavier took over and didn't leave any part of my mouth unexplored. As it got really heated we needed oxygen and we put our foreheads together. Trying to catch our breath and panting hard, we make eye contact.

Xavier breathes out and says, "Why?"

I glare at him fury and get up from the bath tub and walk out naked. I didn't care at my state of attire! That a**hole still thinks that I cheated on him! THE F**KING NERVE OF HIM!!

I dried myself off quickly and hit changed into comfy clothing, sweats and a sweater. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and I turn around. I meet to see his eyes with pain and I say,"I know I didn't cheat on you, so whatever is going in that brain of yours.... FIGURE IT OUT! IM LEAVING NOW!"

I tore myself out of his arms and he started to throw things in the room as I exited. And I left the house with my belongings.

Hey dudes/dudettes! Ch.1 is up! Hope you enjoy!

Mixed emotions right now but it will make sense later.


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