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Hennessy pov
4 weeks

Today is my graduation. I am so happy. I am so glad to have finally made it. I heard back about jobs. I got the offered one in St.Louis and Atlanta. I have no idea which one to choose from. Bianca is moving to Atlanta tomorrow to be close to D.C plus she has a job there.

"You okay?" My mom asked me. I nodded my head smiling at her. "No your not what's wrong?" She asked me.

"I just want Papi here you know. I miss him." I told her.

"Hey go visit him." She told me.

"You sure?" I asked her.

"Yeah go visit him. I'll take you. We can take Phoenyx and then we can just come back and get ready." She told me. I nodded my head smiling.

I got Phoenyx ready in her outfit and got ready myself. We walked out of the house and out the door. Bronx and Bianca with me in my car. After she finishes high school Bronx moving down with me. Phoenyx has her blanket with her of course.

We got to the prison and got out. We walked inside and my mom checked in. We walked back and waited. We sat on the other side of the glass from my dad. I picked up the phone.

"Hey dad." I smiled at him.

"Hey baby. I heard you graduating today." He said. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. I really wish you could be there today." I told him. "I really wish you could be there when these two graduate." I said smiling at Bronx and Harlem. He smiled at them.

"Just know that when I get out we going to do something together." He told us. We smiled and nodded our heads.

Hitman pov.

I flew out to New York. I was going to surprise Henny for her graduation. I stopped by the flower shop. I got some roses and went to Nick house.

"So you here to surprise that girl. What's her name again?" Con asked laughing.

"Shut up." I said. "She cool as fuck and fine." I told them.

"You want us to come with you?" Nick asked.

"Shit y'all can." I told him. He nodded and we all walked out of his house.


"Hennessy Mendez." The dean said her name. Her family and friend's cheered her on. I smiled as I looked at them.

After it was over we walked over to them. She turned around and saw me. She smiled when she saw me. I smiled and hugged her.

"Mom this is Gerald." She introduced me to them.

"Hi nice to meet. You better take care of my baby. Especially since she's leaving me and going to St.Louis." Her mom said. I looked at her and she gave her mom a look. "Oh was that a surprise?" She asked her.

"Oh my god." Henny said. I laughed and hugged her. She smiled as she took the flowers.

"I can't believe you coming to St.Louis." I smiled and kissed her. Some dude walked over with a girl.

"Daddy." Phoenyx ran into his arms. Oh this Jaden.

"Hey baby." He smiled as he held her.

"You Nick Cannon." The girl said looking at Nick.

"Yeah nice to meet you." He told her.

"Wow nice to meet you man." Jaden told him. "You Hitman right?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Can you take care of my princess out in St.Louis?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yeah I can do that." I told him. He nodded his head and gave me a dap. I smiled and hugged Henny. I am so proud of her. She smiled up at me.

"When you leaving?" Her Mom asked her.

"I have to be there in two weeks. I found apartment down there. And Bronx Harlem when y'all graduate I'll be back here." She told her siblings.

I smiled at how  dedicated to her family she was. That's why I love her cause she's like me. Other girls that I dated had a problem with the fact that I was dedicated to my mother and family. My mom birth me and raised me so of course I am going to put her first. She is my world.

"Well come on let's get going. We can go out to eat." Bianca said. We nodded and walked to the cars.

"Where we going?" I asked her.

"Apple bees." She told me. I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. We walked to Nick car and got in. We followed them to the restaurant.

We got to the restaurant and got out of them car. I walked up to her and took Phoenyx from her. Phoenyx laid her head on my shoulder and out her thumb in her mouth. We walked through the doors. The hostess was waiting at the podium.

"Hi welcome to Apple Bees. How many?" She asked. 

"Uh 10." Mrs.Mendez told her. She nodded and walked us back to a table in the back.

Hennessy sat down by me with Phoenyx by her.

"I wanna sit there." Phoenyx pointed to the other empty seat next me. Hennessy laughed and sat her in the chair by me.

"You wanna play games on my phone?" I asked Phoenyx. She smiled and nodded her head. I handed her my phone and she went to the games. I

"I can't believe you really are leaving me." Her mom smiled at her.

"I know mom but I will be here for Christmas and Thanksgiving and I'll be here for Bronx and Harlem graduation." Henny told her mom. Her mom smiled and nodded her head. The waiter came and took our orders.

During dinner we talked and her family got to know me. They asked me so many questions but I knew it was in the spirit to protect her. Her brother and I bonded a little. He real cool.

After dinner we walked out of the restaurant. I gave her a hug and kiss on her lips. She smiled and hugged me one last time before leaving. I smiled as she got in the car. I got in the car with the guys.

"Hitman in love." Nick and Con played around. I laughed looking at their car driving away. I smiled cause I know I just met this girl maybe they right.

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