Chapter 10 xxx

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**Kendall's Pov** I get dressed and head into the car and meet Calum at the pizzeria. We sit down and order Cokes and then talk about our child hoods.

The food seems to take forever.

It finally comes and I look at the pizza and smile.

Written in marinara sauce on the top of the pizza is the words "Wanna go out with me?" I squeak out a "Yes!" and give Calum a huge hug.

We finish our pizza and head back to the hotel.

**Payton's Pov** Wow. I can't believe that me and my 2 best friends are now dating 3 of the biggest heart throbs in America.

We ask the guys how long we are going to be in L.A.

They have one more show here tomorrow night, and then they have a whole week off.

I enter the guys' room and find Luke on his phone. "So what are you guys gonna do on your break?" I ask sweetly. "Come and stay with you guys in London, of course!" he exclaims and it brings a smile onto my face and he engulfs me into a warm hug.

A/N sorry this is REALLY RIDICULOUSLY short but I just wanted to get the point out there! :)

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