Chapter 3 xxx

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**Payton's Pov** The rest of the drive is filled with lots of crying and singing. Tears of joy, of course.

When we arrive we quickly walk into the arena and find our seats. We actually scored front row seats! We won a radio station contest a while back to land these sweet tickets. We head over to the merchandise section to buy some One Direction themed glow sticks.

"Psss. Payton. Over here," I hear someone whisper. I look around for a second and then see Luke's eye poking out from behind a curtain.

"What the heck?" I laugh as I dive behind the curtain.

"Just wanted to see you one more time before I go on stage!" Luke says.

I laugh for a minute.

"You have my number right?" he asks.

"Yeah!" I say.

"Text me sometime. Well I got to head back stage. See you later!" Luke says entering some hidden door.

I walk back out to spot a confused Kendall looking around for me. Callyn is already in the front of the line buying basically all the merchandise, not a care in the world about where I am. I laugh at their stupidity.

We all meet back up and then stop at a snack bar and get some cokes.

We head back to our seats and stay seated until the lights dim.

"LONDON ARE YOU READY FOR 5SOS!!??" I hear Ashton scream into the microphone. Girls go crazy and I just laugh because I was talking to him literally a few hours ago.

The guys perform all the songs from their new EP and some from they're first years as a band.

They exit, but Luke makes sure to give me a wink before they exit the stage.

**Callyn's Pov** The moment I've been waiting for for about 6 months is finally here. The lights dim down and I hear the beat of What Makes You Beautiful start. I scream and start crying when the boys come out.

They perform almost every song of theirs, making about a 3 hour show. It's the most perfect thing ever.

I freaked our several times about several interactions that Harry and I made during the show. He took my coke and took a sip out of it during Strong, and winked at me during Happily. Does that mean anything? I hope so.

**Kendall's Pov** The concert was absolutely amazing. A dream come true. All 9 guys were perfect, as always. Calum especially. I was so happy for Callyn because of how happy she was when Harry did things directed to her.

After the show, we walked to Door 107, like Luke told us, and showed the security guard the slip of paper. He let us through and we entered back stage.

The Curly, The Blonde, and The Brunette ( a One Direction and 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now