Chapter 2

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Jessie's Pov

My head... I think it cracked open.. someone check it please? I kept on saying I won't drink again after a terrible hang over but once again I would say it. I won't drink ever again.

I opened my eyes and greeted by the same view of plain white ceiling. Boring as always. I don't know why but when I am drunk, I always wake up in Andrey's room. I know it was dangerous being drunk in a guys room, much more because this was an adolescent boy's room but this was Andrey we're talking about. He would never lay a finger on me that way. I'm thankful for it as always.

"Water?" I gasped and nearly jumped when Andrey spoke beside me while holding a glass of water."I got pain killers too."

After I recovered from the shock or maybe surprise, I grabbed the water immediately and gulped it down. Next, he offered the pain killers and it went down with the water. I sighed in relief when the pain subsided a little. Instant effect? No.. I feel like pain lessens when you imagine it going away.

'Tha" I was to thank him when I remembered last night before I fainted. I looked at him with wide eyes and he seem to notice that I remembered. He smiled sheepishly and stood up about to leave the room. "Now wait a bit there mister.." he stopped and turned to me again.

"YOU PUNCHED LARY!" I shrieked as I remembered how badly his nose was bleeding. "Oh my GOd! What if he get hospitalized for it!" I began to panic picturing him laying on the hospital bed gasping for his last breath. No!!

Then I stopped when I noticed Andrey having a sad expression. Sometimes it just shows randomly and I always wonder why. "What's wrong? Are you also injured?"

"Nothing.." He said and turned back "Auntie called and asked for you so you better get up. Your toothbrush is still on the bathroom."

He left and I was left frowning. I glared at the door as he closed it slowly. What is wrong with that boy?

I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then brushed my hair and pulled some oversized T-shirt from Andrey. Good thing I seem to be a part of this family. Nobody gives me weird look when I parade around wearing Andrey's shirts and shorts. Good thing..

I went downstairs and Mr. Cañete was sipping coffee while reading the newspaper. He looked at me and I smiled politely. Mrs. Cañete was cooking some pancakes and Andrey was nowhere to be found. Now where is that boy?

I joined them on the table and Mrs. Cañete placed a plate of yummy and steaming pancakes in front of me. I ate cheerfully as Mr. Cañete made some light conversation. I waited for Andrey to come but he never did. Is he sulking? if so.. why?

"Where's Andrey?" I asked as I finished the last piece of pancake. I planned to take some and eat them on my way home but.. Oh well it was worth eating them all nonetheless.

"He's got a bad night.." Mr. Cañete muttered and I looked at him confused. Is he angry at me? "I mean the stocks didn't rise as he hoped for."

Thank god for that. I thought Mr. Cañete is hinting that I am responsible why Andrey is nowhere near in the vicinity.

After some more conversation and bribery of not telling mom that I got drunk, I left their house. My car was thankfully on the front and I was not burdened to think how I will get home.

Now I need to apologize to Lary for the sake of my friend. He's an idiot sometimes but he was someone I wouldn't want to lose in my life.

Andrey's Pov

It was monday now and sadly I would face that idiot again. Then once again I would see Jessie chasing him like an idiot. For a lady of her standards, she's too good for him. Sometimes I just avert my gaze to pretend I didn't see how ridiculous she is.

I was walking on the corridors alone when suddenly a bunch of popular jocks surrounded me. Lary's bitch-boys. They were trying to be intimidating but I was never afraid of them. It's my policy not to be stepped on by anyone.

"How brave of you to walk around without any care after that stunt last night." Matt, a second STD candidate of Lary's Army of STD infested sneered as he pushed my shoulder a bit. He was well built and maybe the same height as me but I never really know. I always look down on idiots like them.

I looked at him cocking my head to the side to dare him to continue. If he is wise, he would not say anything else. I am so in a bad trip today. He was about to say something but I grabbed his mouth and pushed him on the fence' side making half of his body inside and half was dangerously unstable. Nobody dared to move because I would really push him off in my current state. Lately, I don't have much self control anymore. I guess I'm getting tired.

I was still grabbing his whole mouth and I squeezed it hard making him yelp in pain and nervousness of falling. "Bitch off pussy" I said as I inched my face closer to him. "Come to me when you have the balls to go on one on one."

Every student now was peeking from the door trying to see what caused such uproar. I noticed many has gathered already so I pulled him and threw him into his friends side as I straigthen my shirt. "Damn weaklings"

I turned back and saw the other students looking at me with fear. Some of them held admiration because nobody dares to go on their wrong side.

"This is not over Fatso!" Matt yelled and I turned back to him and smirked.

"You had Andrey's Bitch signboard on your head" I pointed on him and left them alone. That felt good. At least someone received my wrath.

Class went on until it is now lunch. Somehow, I don't feel like dining with Jessei today. She would just blabber how cool condom prince is or how smart yhe dirtball is. Sometimes I wanted to slap her silly.

I lined up patiently as the students grab their own meal. Then there were suddenly murmurs and everyone was whispering here and there. I looked around and saw Lary enter with a beautiful bandage on his nose. His eyes were angrily glaring at me and I just turn and grabbed my tray of food.

I sat on the farthest table near the windows and just stuffed my food. Good thing I know the lady serving food. She always makes something good for me. I was eating animatedly as someone sat with me. I looked up to see Jessie looking angrily at me.

"Sup?" I said as I tool a sip of water.

"Sup?" she said slightly raising her voice. "You see that horrible injury on Lary's nose and you just have Sup for me?"

I looked into Lary's direction and he was smirking at me. He knows that I don't like having a fight with Jessie. I turned back to Jessie and looked into her seriously. "Yeah, why?"

"You're asking me why?" she said in disbelief. "You punch a guy and broke his nose and you ask me why."

I resumed eating. Tired of listening to her words of praise or how bad it is to hit people. That violence is not the answer. Somehow I got fed up and stopped eating. I don't know what I look like but she gasped and took a step back from me. "You would rather him rape you than being save through violence.."

Her eyes were wide like saucers and she seem scared of me. I don't like it but I'm tired of being the fall over cushion. "I am sorry for saving you then. Please continue to get raped."

I mocked bowed and left the table. When I was near Lary's table, I noticed him place his leg on the way to trip me but I stepped on it instead. Hard I may say and he fell into his knees due pain. His friends were about to lunged to me but a teacher quickly stepped in. I left while the teacher was yelling for me to come back but I just don't have the will to be strong today. Sometimes it is easier to let go.

Days became weeks and weeks become a month but I still haven't talked to Jessie.

It was not meant, it was an accident or maybe a fortunate accident but I overheard Matt and Lary talking in the lockers.

"A thousand bucks if you can steal that Fatso's chick"

I think I need to tell her before she gets hurt.

AN: so because I have a temporary Cover, I can update! If anyone is willing to help me have a cover, please send me a message. Don't forget to vote and comment! Have a gold day everyone,


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