chapter 3:run

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???:So that's all?

Joseph: Let me go I'm not crazy.

???:yo may go when you finish the story.

Joseph:ok then.
That night I did not get much sleep as I wanted. I was in shock. what the hell did I saw today? I cry all night thinking about Caroline. What was I going to do? But one thing was for shore, I was getting the hell out of her .

The sun rise I didn't sleep at all. I was ready to get out of her. I grab my luggage, I went out to the hallway and I close the door. I felt something behind as I close the door. I look back and the room 13 door was looking strage. I ignored the way it look and I went to the elevator.I was waiting for the elevator and then the door of room 13 open and I saw my self flying  and hiting the door. I was seeing what happen yesterday.The giant guppy hand looking thing was about to do something to me when. Bing the elevator went. And  the guppy thing went to get me. I manege to get in the elevator as fast as I can and I try to close the door .Boom I manege to close the elevator door. I took a deep breath and I relax my self. I just relive what happen the elevator door open and I got off.But I don't realize i was in the same floor againg I saw my self flying and I hit my door. The giant guppy hand looking thing was about to do something to me when. Bing the elevator went.Fuck the elevator i sed and I ran for the stairs. I got down stairs and I ran to the desk I talk to Linda and I check out the hotel.

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