chapter 6:room 13

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I woke up. I am in a withe room with only a door. I try to remember what was the last thing that happen. I remember Caroline living me her in this asylum.And  her laugh was very similar to Linda the owner of the hotel I was and it was similar to the Greg the old man that stay in room 13. But why? maybe I am crazy. I got to figure out how to get out of her. I try stan up but I had a straitjacket so it wasn't going to be easy. I got up and my straitjacket got loose. Oh that was easy I said. I ran to the door try to opened and it was open. This is strangely easy I thought. I ran down the the hallway and I stop because I realize that there's nobody her. Hello is anybody her? I yeld. It was so strage. I walk slowly to find the exit. Bluuuuum something make a noise, hello is anybody there? nobody answers but pliiiiin another sound, who's there? Tikikiki another sound I ran desperately to hide because I did not know what was the sound. Then I heard her.

???: Help someone help me!?!?

I heard the Voice of Caroline scared.

Joseph:Caroline is that you.

Caroline: Joseph is that you ?where are you?heeeeeeelp me!


Baaaang one of the room door of the asylum went. I didn't get to see her but i know it was her. So i went to look for her. I grab a axe that I fine on the wall to be prepared for anything. I open the door slowly.

Joseph:Caroline are you in her?

I whispered in the dark room . Then I hear her crying and a one light turn on. The light was only showing here.

Joseph: Caroline why are you crying? Are you ok?

I put the axe on the floor and I slowly walk to her. and I stretch my hand to to touch her shoulder.

Caroline: jejeje

Joseph: Caroline why are you laughing?

I stop walking and she start slowly turning.

Caroline: jejeje

Joseph:OH MY GOD!!!!!

Caroline face was melting and her voice was changing. Her body was turning black and her arms and legs were not there any more. Oh my god she turn her self in to the giant hand guppy thing.

Thing:jejeje.  REEEEEAAAAAARR!!!

I was shocked. I ran as fast as I can to find a exit. The thing was following me and destroying everything in his path. I saw the exit. I gave all my strength to my legs to run faster. I bashed the door open  and I close it. I hold the door and I realized that I am steel on the hotel I am holding the same door again room 13. But the only difference this time is that the thing didnt got out. Bing the elevator went and I saw Caroline.

Caroline:oh Joseph hi you didnt went to help me with my luggage.

She smile I smile but I was so shock I faited.

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