10. glitter

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"So today I'm here with Simon." I introduced the video. "Hello." Simon waved. "We're currently in Glastonbury. As you can see by the teepee." I motioned to the background where we were filming inside the teepee. "Im going to give Simon a glitter beard. And if you guys see Cal Freezy with glitter on his face- credits go to me." I smiled.

Halfway through the video I was almost done with his beard. I turned his face toward me and kissed him. "You know you're gonna have to edit that right?" Simon smiled. "It was worth it." I finished up his beard and ended the video. I did my own glitter on my cheeks and collarbone and we went to the concert.

After the concert we were totally wasted. We stumbled into the teepee and Simon basically pounced on me. Being drunk and all, I ruined the moment by puking. I told Simon not tonight and we went to sleep, likely having hangovers in the morning.

SIMON MINTER IMAGINES ✅Where stories live. Discover now