She started to shake, Her heart started to race, a lump grew inside her throat. She let the sea behind her eyes loose as Sebastian climbed on the bed.

Holding her whispering " I won't let anyone hurt you "

She choked on her tears as he grabbed her closer, trying to control his self.

" I'll protect you "


Izzy woke up, panting as she realized Sebastian wasn't next to her. He left.

She wrapped her arms around herself, and walked to to the window, glancing at the blood garden. She knotted her eyebrows together as she saw a figure standing there next the blood fountain.

She looked closer as realized it was Nixon. He walked around the Red and black Roses before disappearing in the fog.

She rushed to her closet which was apparently always filled with prefect fits for her. She opened her open her door, surprised.

The Hall was filled with maids, guardsmen, and nobles. An a couple of alphas.

A maid spotted Izzy, quickly rushing to shoved Izzy back into her room.

" Whaa-"

" There's a grandBall, in the ball room. I need to get you into something more appropriate " whispered the maid, opening Izzy's closet. Searching for a silk gown.

" But Bl- "

" Anyone who dare speaks of the Dead prince will end up with a death penalty " murmured the maid, handing Izzy a silky gown.

Izzy gazed at the gorgeous gown, it was light pink like Cotten candy, it was simple and plain except for the top which was covered in a pattern of white snowflakes.

The maid rushed out of Izzy's room as Izzy frowned. Leaving the gown on her bed.

Wrapping her arms around her sweater, she walked back to the window. Feeling so lost.

She didn't belong here.

Not with all this. She was a rogue after all, and The king could choose any of the other ladies to be his Queen.

He didn't need her. He was half Lycan. Meaning he would bond a Lycan bond with anyone he wanted to mate with. Lycans didn't have mates, they chose them. And Lycans usually live for a thousand years, and their mate would live for a thousand years as well. If she or he was marked.

When the normal wolf is marked by a Lycan they usually turn into a Lycan , so they could suit each other.

But that's all myths and Xander, Nixon, and Sebastian were only half Lycans.

If that wasn't a lie...

Izzy glanced toward to Roses, ignoring the thorns and blood that hide the beauty of roses.

Izzy sighed as she grabbed the gown and rushed towards the bathroom, taking a shower.

Remembering all the pain she left yesterday. The heat.

And it was his fault.

She changed into the gown, applying simple makeup. And brushing out her sunshine hair before letting it fall to her sleeveless shoulders.

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