bus rides with them | colour and lights

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bus rides with them | colour and lights

The two met at the carnival a week later.

With the boy in his usual patterned jumper and dark jeans and the girl in a colourful dress and an equally colourful jacket. 

"You like colour," the boy smiled down at the girl. She twirled in her fifties style dress, making the skirt billow around her small figure.

"You don't like colour," the girl smiled up at the boy, poking a pointer finger at his chest in an accusing manner.

The boy chuckled and led her to the ticket booth with a bored looking woman sitting inside. The woman forced a smile and shooed them off into the ride filled showground.

The bright colourful lights that lined the amusement rides lit up the rapidly darkening sky. The girl grabbed the boy's hand and led him the short line that went into the least threatening ride in the whole arena.

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