Pleasing Daddy.

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For littleboyblue24

Daniel's POV:

We got home and I was so excited for daddy and bunny's birfday. I wiggled on the couch as daddy and bunny brought in the gifts.
"Who's presents are you gonna wrap first?"
"Daddys!" Daddy smiled and gave me a kiss.
"Ok. Go with bunny and wrap my presents."
"Otay." Bunny takes my hand and leads me to his room.
"Larry?" I ask as get comfy on his bed.
"Hmm?" He says coming over and sitting beside me.
"Lau says you're a little too?" Larry blushed.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could've been little together." I whine dramatically.
"I'm not little very often."
"Lau says you're mostly submissive. How does he know?" Larry turned bright red.
"R-remember when Lau would talk about his past boyfriend?"
"Yea?" I ask confused.
"Well...that was me." He whispered.
"You use to date my Lau?" I say a bit angry.
"Yea. But it was mostly a fling. We had some suppressed feelings for each other but we weren't serious. We kinda just helped each other figure out what we liked since we were gay. Breaking up was the worst for me because he was the only person I trusted with my little space. Now I have no one. Thats why I love babysitting you. I get to kinda go in my spaces with you." He says with a few tears running down his face. I felt bad for making him cry.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. He talks about you all the time. Maybe...maybe we could work something out?" I say without thinking. Larry looked a little excited.
"Y-you'd be ok with that. All of us together?"
"Yea. But only if you understand I'm his."
"Yes I do. I wouldn't dare try to push you out. He's very happy with you. I just miss him." I smiled.
"Well if Lau agrees...I get to have a brother." I giggle.
"Cuz den we bof have daddy so I has a bubby." I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me close.
"Yes you would. Now let's wrap these presents." We both laughed before I went and helped daddy. We all sat in the living room floor and I handed them their presents.
"Daddy go first." I say all giggly. He smiled before opening his gifts, his face lighting up for each one.

"Aw baby boy. I love them. Thank you." He says leaning to give me a kiss.
"Bunny turn." I smiled. He blushed before slowly opening his.

"Oh wow. Thank you so much Danny." I got a hug before me and Larry sat together to talk to Lau.
"Laurent. Me and Larry got to talking and we have a question." I say making him look at us funny.
"Ok. Whats up?"
"Well Larry informed me of your previous engagement." I giggled making Lau blush.
" what's your question?" He says looking down.
"Can Larry join us?" Lau's head snapped up.
"What do you mean?" Larry looked up at him slowly.
"Just let me join you sometimes. Let me be little. Let me be your slave for a day. Just something." He says upset.
"You'd be ok with it if I said yes?" Lau asked looking at me.
"Well yea. Or I wouldn't have asked."
"Ok. Then yes Larry, you can join us." Larry looked so excited.
"Really? I-I can be with you?"
"Yes." Me and Larry hugged tight.
"I'm so happy." Larry whispered.
"But that means you two have to keep to my rules. That means no shenanigans. I'm still in charge no matter what. But you will also be below Danny." Lau says pointing at Larry.
"Which means if he tells you to do something and I'm aware of it then you do it. Otherwise punishment will be hell and you know how that will go." Larry nodded quickly before looking at the floor.
"Do you wanna be anything right now Larry?" I ask quietly.
"C-can I be..."
"Speak up." Lau said standing up. I've never seen this side of Lau.
"A slave sir?" Larry says keeping his gaze on the floor.
"Sure." Lau says.
"Do you remember my rules?"
"Yea sir." I wasn't sure if I was turned on or scared.
"Danny baby can you go get that box from under my bed. The one I usually don't let you touch." I nodded.
"Thank you baby." I went and got the box. I came back to Larry on his knees in the floor with his head on Lau's lap. It shook me for a moment but I did agree to this. I walked in and handed Lau the box earning a kiss.
"Thank you baby." He tugged Larry's hair and made him sit up. He opened his legs and allowed Larry in between them. He pulled out a leash and collar. He placed it around Larry's neck and kissed his forehead.
"Now that's better." He growled. I stood there awkwardly. I wanted to be little but I didn't want to pop their bubble.
"Baby you ok?"
"I wan daddy." I say quietly.
"Then come here." He smiles. I sat beside him as he hugged me.
"Looky baby.  Isn't he gorgeous?" He says kissing my cheek. I had to admit Larry looked perfect sitting there. Almost like he belonged there. He knew it to by the smile on his face.
"He cute daddy." I say smiling.
"Now he's yours too. You can tell him to do anything. As long as daddy approves and it's not to outrageous."
"Is he like a puppy?" I ask.
"Can he lives with us?" I ask playing with Larry's hair.
"If you want him to and if he wants to."
"Larry?" He looks up at me.
"You wan live wif us?" He looked up at Lau with a strange look in his eye.
"May I? I would like to."
"Sure." Larry smiled.
"May I lay on your lap sir?" Lau smiled down and petted Larry's head.
"Yes you may." The rest of the day went well. It was different but after a while it seemed normal. Larry would be little with me and play while still doing whatever Lau told him. After dinner Larry went to bed in the guest room while me and Lau went to our room. He laid down to watch t.v. while I took a very nice shower. Coming out in only my underwear I saw Lau smirk at me.
"What?" I smile.
"Well I was laying here thinking about today when I remembered someone owes me a special birthday present." I blush and walk to the bed. I get on top of him as he sits up against the headboard.
"You know how much I had to restrain myself today and not just fuck you around the house." He growled as he licked my neck. I sighed as his hands gripped my hips. He sat up and looked me in the eyes.
"I love you Daniel. I really do. I hope you don't think that Larry will replace you. I love my brother very much but you're the one I want. If anything should happen just know I would never push you aside for him. He knows this too. I told him this the day I met you." My heart felt content. Knowing Lau wouldn't push me aside just because Larry's back in the picture made me happy. We kissed deeply before he flipped us over and smiled.
"Now time for my present."

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