give it up

20 2 1

I wake up in the morning and realize I'm not in my room so I start to panic a little untill the memorys from last night came flowing back and I smile at the thought of me and blake and did I mention  he was an amazing kisser and that body don't get me started on that piece of heaven with those perfect abbs and his hair it is gorgeous.....but anyways I just layed there and then I feel someone bit and kiss me so I turn my attention to the right of me and there was blake already looking at me with lust in his eyes looking me up and down me know how to tease someone I just leaned in closer untill are lips were inches apart and I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer which earned me a lustful growl and I felt his buddy getting excited and that's when I pull away from him and he just pulled me back right when I think he is going to pull away he pulls me even closer that's when I break the silence

"u know we have school right"I say in a questioning tone

"yea so what about it sweetheart"my mate says giving me a look that could kill

"we have to go we both already missed yesterday and no but's about it we are going now come on let's get up befor were even more late"I say as simply as I can with a smirk on my face

"Come on can't we just enjoy this moment for the rest of the day just me and u no one else please"blake said trying to plead with me

"No now let's go"I say getting off of him

"I like that position very much why did u move"Blake whind

"come on u big baby"I said as I walked away

Blake eventualy cout up with me and be walk back to the house well aware that we both were naked but since today was friday everyone in the pack was ether at work or school so yea that was pretty lucky and knowing me the luck part didn't come from me I walk back to my house and unlocked the door with the spare key cause I forgot mine  and walk up to my room and want straight to my bathroom and turned on the shower jumping in the water not caring if its cold i start to wash my body with my coconut wash and then I wash my hair with my strawbarry shampoo and condicioner after another 15 minutes in the shower i get out and walk in my room drying off as fast as I can and walk to my closet and pick out some simple Blue jeans and a tank top with a gray jacket and put it on and grad a pair of my uggs from my closet after sliping my uggs on i grab my back pack with my iPhone 5 and my keys to my mustang known as my monster I run down Stares with out thinking I rush out the door

An get into my car starting it I Drive off to school the school is only like a good 18 minute drive from my house so I get there quick and and park my car in the parking lot  and go into the school o go throw the Office and to my looker and do my combo 14-6-17 and open it grabing my book's and putting my bag in my locker and rush to my second period which is for my luck english  as I get there I walk into the class room and take a seat closest to the windows and look out the the next 4 clases went by fast and its already lunch after this I got art I love that clases cause all I do in there is sleep and the funny part is I got a 100 in all my classes dont ask me how causes i wont be able to answer it as I got to the Lunch room I see all my friends Kelly,hannah,Ariel,josefine,Gene and christen sitting at are usual table

I walk over to the table and was yelled at as soon as I say down

"um u mind telling us where u were yesterday and why u were not here"Kelly asked

"No not really"I say back

And that all just went back to there little conversation while I was put in space thinking about blake and his body but once and a while Ariel or josefine would try and pull me in to ruede conversation but I didn't say much unless it was ,uh cool ,ok ,or even Fine and after another five minutes Lunch was over so I just got up and walk to art clases and not by my suprise I was the first on there so I went to my sit in the back of the class and sat down and fell asleep the hole class and finally school was over and I never felt so free in my intire life I tan out of class and to my locker and put in my combo and open it to find flowers in it and there was a note on my back pack that said

Dear Malea

meet me at the pack house after school we have a unfinished make out section to finish

love.your mate Blake

I blushed at the make out part but I shook it off and got my stuff and shut my locker and walked to my car unlocking it I got in and drove to my house and drop off my back pack and went to the pack house

no one was there becaues it was a friday and most people were still at work or just some were else but here so I go inside and walk to the alphas Office and knock and i hear blakes voice say "come in" so I open the door and look ahead off me an see my mate there just starting it looked like he was working cause of the way he was sitting and how his hair was all messed up from putting his hand throw it so many times

"Hey hows work for Yea" is all I say

"Um not so good can u help me" he replied back with that sexy ass smirk

"Yea sure"I walk over to were he is and lean over on the desk and show him where what is suppost to go

"Thanks sweetheart" he says

"sure thing bebé"I reply

I turn back to look at him and I can help but kiss him I rap my arms around his neck and jump up and he grabs my thighs with both hands and push's me up against the Wall not caring if we break it than I break apart from the kiss and look him in the eye and say

"I should get going I got alot of homework to do"

"you should stay a while just me and u"he says

"I dont think so cause u know what will happen if I stay"I impervise the sentance

"ok love but that isn't a bad idea"he says wiggling his eyebrows

"what ever"I say getting down and walking to the door befor I open it I turn around

"LOVE u "after I said that I walk out and went to my car got in it and drove home

When I get home all my family was ruede which was weird cause they are never here besides mom and me I walk up to the front door and open it walking in i see all my family sitting in the living room and they just look up with happieness in their eyes so I just stare at them for a minute befor my dad geta up and comes over to me and says the words I thought I would never hear

"Honey me and your mother have been thinking your old enough and responsable enough we got u your own house"my dad says smiling

Aaawwww no way I LOVE u guys thank u SO MUCH wait were is the house" say totaly confused

"u now the house that mrs.Miller lived in the big huge house that has the big Lake in the back yard"he said giving me the keys


"shush down malea ur to loud and Yea that one"my mom says making a face at me

"Now u should go get some rest u got a Long day ahead"says my dad

"ok Night"I yelled from up stairs

As I got in my room I did a little happy dance and ran to the Hall way closet and grabed alot of Box's than ran back to my room and started to pack up my perfumes and valuable items and about 2 hour's later i was almost done the only things out were my clothes and bed set and some of my body wash's After that I fell asleep on the floor

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