what else

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When I woke up this morning I felt better (u know how your not sick but u still fell better) yea well I im feeling like that I can't help but feel happy I got my own house more freedom alot more at that

I get off of the ground and walk to my old bathroom turn on the shower and strip out of my clothes but befor I get in i remember I don't have a towl and walk out of my bathroom naked and hear a lustful growl and turned around and saw the one and only the soon to be alpha blake standing there his eyes aire all black  so I coverd my self and yell "WHAT ARE U DOING IN MY ROOM" but he just kept on staring at me untill I move in to my almost empte closet and grab a clean towle and walk back in to my room

"Need help"asked Blake

"Yea actualy can u take apart my bed and call a pick u truck please and thank u"I asked and walk over to him and kissed him

"um where are u going"asked Blake with a hint of curiosity in his voice

"I'm moving to my house"I say as I walk away and in to the bathe room


"I just told u I was moving and my parents were the ones that bought the house for me as a birthday present"I said in a duh tone

"your not staying there alone"my mate says

"I know that I was gonna ask Leo to stay with me"I say (and Leo is the third in common) after I said that I wished I hadn't I heard a very loud growl come from blake  and I'm a matter of minutes I was pinned to the wall I screamed and open my eyes to see blake standing there holding me to the wall with his eyes full black I tryed to move and get out of his grip by bitting him that only made him even more mad which by the way turned me on

"Blake let me go"I demanded

that didn't work out because the next thing I know I was being kissed hungrily and it felt right to kiss him back so I did

and then I noticed I was naked not that I bothered me or him I just needed to finish packing my stuff and ask Blake if he will stay with me and I needed a shower bad I tryed to pull away so I could go get in the shower but Blake thought other wise he started to kiss up and down my jaw line and on to my neck everywhere he kissed he left sparks flying down my spine

And then I felt teeth scrape acrosse my neck and new what he was about to do I wasn't ready not yet anyways so I stopped him from marking me

"Blake stop"I half yelled

I walk out the door with my keys in my hand walking to my car getting in and started it up and drove with blake right behind me we drove for at least 30-40 minutes maybe but anyways when we got to the house I stopped at the gate and entered the code and the gates open

I just kept driving untill the drive way came to a stop and the house was huge with It's big purch and a huge wooden door that was a lavender color and the glass frame in the middle just the sense of the woods made the house perfect

and by the way the house looks my mom picked it out for me after examining the house I got out my car and went to the truck and started to unload it and put the boxs in the living heading up stairs to see what room me and blake should have

I finally pick one it was huge bigger than my old room and my old room was like three master rooms put to gether this room had to be like seven master bed rooms put in one going back down stairs to bring up all my boxs I find that only my boxs are in there and not blakes so I run outside to find Blake loading the truck back up with all his stuff

"Were are u going"I ask him not wanting him to leave at all

"Back to the pack house"he says

"Why" ? I ask

"Because this is your house and not mine so I figure that u wouldn't want me here so I'm leaving" he says completely calm

"I don't want u to leave"I tell him

He look back at me and couldn't look happier he had a huge smile on his face that went from ear to ear which made me wan't to laugh but I held it back cause I didn't want to be mean today

"So I can stay"he asked me still smiling like and idot

"Yea u can stay this is our house now"I said proudly

Befor I new it I was in a bear hug and being twirled in circle's

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I LOVE U SO MUCH"he says extremely excited

"love u to but I can't breath so can u lay off the hugg for now please"I begged trying to get some air in my lunges

"Oh yea sorry sweetheart"he says apologetic and worriy in his eyes

"it's okay just warn me next time and let's go we got to get are stuff unpacked in OUR new house"I said smiling like a mad woman

After like 5 hours of unpacking we were finally done we got are room set  and the living and dinning room done aswell as the kitchen all we need to do is put on the cable and then were set for life

"I'm exhausted I think I'll go take a shower" I say getting up from my seat and brushing off the dust on my clothes an walking up the stairs and into my new room I share with Blake and in the bathroom after my 20 minute shower was over I grab a towel and dried off and put on my panties and short shorts and a bra with a tank top and walk out of the bathroom and got in bed with blake cuddling with him

"good night beautiful"blake say softy in my ear

"good night love" I say back and I fell asleep in his arms

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