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Sitting here
Thinking about you.

Sadly these seranades stopped speaking
Sleep doesn't touch me.
Haven't dreamed a dream in days
Yet these nightmares
They're always here.

I'm stuck here
With the littlest of sanity
Hoping, just hoping you'll see me like the way I see you.

Maybe it's just me? Maybe I don't get it?
Maybe there's nothing more?
Maybe I'm trying to hard?
Maybe I don't know you well?

You're such a paradox,
Cause you tell me to go, yet, you squeeze my hand and never let go.
I swear your  weather
Because you're always raining on a sunny day.
Maybe your the ocean
Always waving me out the door after rocking me to sleep

What are you afraid of?
You said you're holding me back but I haven't slept since you were gone

Stop giving up
Because like a star you're still beautiful going out

Stop leading me on
Like a Matador leading a bull
Making me always chase you
Tricking me with those under the cover lies

Yet, here we are
Stuck in the same place
Stuck in the same morning
Stuck in the same emotions

Maybe just maybe
Everything will change

Words From A Non-PoetWhere stories live. Discover now