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Hey omg thank you for 655 views I really hope you like my story because it's my first one

(Your POV)
''Colby!?'' you yell because you just woke up and checked the time ''dammit he let me sleep until 3:45 pm..... my sleeping schedule is going to be all messed up.

He doesn't answer so you walk down stairs but trip on the last one and fall into someone knocking them over. You land on top of them and you feel your lips smash against someone else's lips 'please be Colby' you pray in your head before opening your eyes.

When you open your eyes you don't see Colby's ocean blue eyes

When you open your eyes you don't see Colby's ocean blue eyes

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You see...

Sam's greenish blue eyes

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Sam's greenish blue eyes

You quickly push off of him and your faces go red. You run to the kitchen and grab a towel to wipe your mouth off. Sam walks in and opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it when he sees Colby walk into the room. Your face is still tinged pink so you go grab a glass then walk over to the fridge and hide behind the casually. Colby comes up to you and says ''hey babe'' then kisses you, Sam snorts and Colby quickly turns to face him ''what?'' Colby asks. ''Oh um it's just...'' Sam looks at you and you look at him wide-eyed signalling for him to not tell or else, he sees your facial expression and continues ''never mind'' then walk away. You mentally sigh. Colby says ''what was that all about?'' You shrug and say ''I don't know he been acting weird lately'' Colby thinks for a second then says ''oh hey! Speaking of Sam... he got you a pregnancy test earlier but you were asleep when he got back''.

After you ask where it is you walk into the bathroom and take it out of the box, you read the instructions then use it.

When your done you don't look at it you just wash your hands and carry it out. You walk over to Colby who was sitting on the couch and you put it on the table upside down so you can't see it. He looks at you ''what does it say?'' And you respond ''I don't know, I thought that we should find out together'' you smile at him and he smiles back. You put your hand on it and pick it up ''3....'' you say and he starts drumming on his leg ''2....'' he says and you both say ''1...'' at the same time and you flip it over and it says

''Oh my god!'' you say jumping onto and hugging him, he doesn't respond

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''Oh my god!'' you say jumping onto and hugging him, he doesn't respond. He sits there staring at nothing out the window.

''Colby???'' he doesn't even blink ''are you okay?'' your voice shaking

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''Colby???'' he doesn't even blink ''are you okay?'' your voice shaking. You yell for Sam ''Sam! Come here I think Something's wrong with Colby'' he comes running and sits beside us on the couch because you were still on Colby's lap. ''You okay dude?'' he asks Colby concerned, Colby blinks then looks at Sam ''what happened?'' but before Sam could answer you hug him and say ''you were in shock'' and Sam agrees ''yeah dude you like blacked out or something''.
Colby puts his head in his hands ''I'm so sorry y/n but I can't t-'' he mumbles shakily and you start tearing up '' no Colby.... please don't do this''. He looks at you in the eyes ''I'm too young for this....I can't do it'' he says and you play with the ring on your finger ''I am too Colby but what about what you said this morning about being parents? Did you lie ?''. He sighs ''yeah I was just comforting you. I am too busy to take care of you and this situation with my job'' your jaw drops open and tears run down your cheeks ''what?'' you say still trying to process what's happening.

''Please don't cry..... you understand right?'' he pleads and you stand up looking down at him ''oh yeah I understand completely.... the second you actually find out that you have to be a father you change your mind'' you say throwing your hands up.

He looks at the floor and says ''get out'' quietly and you start crying harder '' wa-'' he cuts you off by yelling ''YOU HEARD ME NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BITCH!'' he pushes you lightly away from him. You slap him then run out of the house crying.

You realize you forgot your car keys in the house but you don't wanna go back in. You hear the door open so you quickly turn around to see who it is. It's Sam ''wait! Y/n!'' he yells after you start running away from the house. You have no idea where your going but you keep going until you collapse on the ground crying.

I'm going to put a couple songs that always make me cry when I listen to them


Alright back to the story 😭 btw these songs have special meanings to me so they might not make you cry....

A car pulls up beside you and rolls down the window ''y/n?'' you try to speak but that makes you cry harder. ''It's'' the person says picking you up and putting you in the passenger side and buckling you up then driving away.

Omg I'm so sorry that I wrote this. But I'm having problems at school with my ''friends'' and it's making me sad. I promise the next chapter will be better and happier.

You know what I just realized it's almost time for my period..... that explains why I'm feeling like this 🙄😠

Sorry for short chapter but next one will be longer I promise....

Word count: 965

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