The first team.

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Pewdiepie POV


Today is the day, today is the day they reap the tributes for the youtube games, I am pretty much definitely going to take part in this, I'm the top youtuber, I have the most subscribers for goodness sake, they probably have a big sheet with my name on so they don't miss it, I'm not sure about Marzia though, I have said my goodbye to her. The whole reaping process is taking place on tv which is shown all around the world, they have different channels for every youtuber so people can watch their favourite. As soon as a youtubers name is called out they are teleported from their home to the games to wait for everyone else. There is a two minute gap between each reaping so everybody can calm down.

My tv has switched to the channel, here goes.

"And the first tribute to be selected for the hunger games is..." I cross my fingers,

"Pewdiepie" may the odds be in his favour. Marzia hugged me and started to cry, "I'll be back" I told her as I dissipated into thin air, leaving her on her own. I know I would never return.

Cryaotic POV


Tears welled up in my eyes, Pewdie, he has been entered, I sit on my couch, my mask in my hand, I want to support him, but I don't, I don't want to take part, I don't think I will anyway, I am not nearly as popular as everyone else. I turn my attention back to my tv.

"And joining Pewdiepie in the same district will be" please let it be someone good, I want pewdie to know he is cared for if he doesn't win.

"Cryaotic, may the odds ever be in his favour" What, no, why, I'm not popular. I notice I am starting to dissolve, sort of. I put my hand over my heart, put my mask on and let the game devour me.

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