The writing on the page was a bit sloppy, almost as if the writer hadn't slept the past two nights. . .

Monday September 11, 2017
7:39pm - 7:50pm

Dear Winter,

Today is 9-11

. . .for America at least. . .

I feel terribly sorry for him and those people on those flights along with my Admin's father. 

Her father nearly got called to be on the flight that crashed into the second tower. . .but luckily he was called to stay at home since the boss let everyone have the day off.  He got to stay home and watch little Admin eat cereal, but watched the towers get hit and fall while Admin cried after the towers fell.

I hope that all of those poor souls got to Rest In Peace. .

So besides from that. .

This is the second night I had without getting any sleep. . .

Something is bothering me at night and I have no idea what it is.  Although I saw it make an entry in here. . . . . .along with the scale.

I'm not so sure what it is or how it knows me, but I am definitely scared. . .

I love you all. .

≛ России ≛

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