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Danika's POV

The three of us left our locker room with most of our team, and we were all wearing red and white team Canada track suits. I didn't mind the look much. The rest from our team were taking their showers. We parted ways from our team as we were walking upstairs. I was talking with them as we were walking until we turned the corner, all running into some people and falling over top of each other.

I blew a piece of  hair out of my face as I look up to see our violators. Seeing them there, I stood up quickly as if nothing happened and looked at them disgustedly, though, I found one incredibly cute and irresitable. Looking at him, I hope he didn't see through me as some softie and not the tough girl I am. I have my soft side, don't get caught up in it though. Anyways, Shelby and Toria stand up, standing to my right. Toria being the middle with her arms crossed, and being the shortest.

One sighs and walks to the front of their group. There wasn't many of them standing there. There was about eight of them. And I'd say who, but I don't know their names. I just know the cute one is there. The boy walking up had shaved sides and long hair on the top that stuck straight up, he always seemed to be the mouthy one, as I like to say. He takes a glance at the three of us up and down, then smirks. "I see, I see, you're the figure skaters from the Canadian team. How does twirlin' around do ya?"

We all scoff. Shelby starts laughing hysterically as I stare them down. "We're not twirl girls, thank you very much,"

One cuts off the previous boy. Mr. Cowboy, "Ugh, Jesse, you've mistaken them before as hockey players but they're not and nor are they... what did you say you weren't?" He asks us politely, tipping his hat.

Toria impersonates him, and does the same action as if she had a hat on her head. Which she didn't, just a head full of hair. I'm kididng, I'm not that mean. "You too!" She says.

Shelby takes on now. "Twirl girls. We're not twirl girls, we're ugh..." She trails off, looking at us for help. I shrug my shoulders, not knowing what to say we are. I didn't want to give it away either.

"Trainors for the Canadian hockey team!" Toria shouts out, we turn to her with wide eyes. She kinda smiles sheepishly, looking at us, and then to them. "Yeah, we're trainors, don't you guys have any?"

"Yoga instructors? Please, we don't need no instructor-" Another from behind says.

"Ah, I see, that's why you Duckies are here, right? I mean, you did it on your own without help?"

"Well," A boy says, he had brown hair and looked about the same height as the boy I had eyes for. Shh, no one can know. Anyways, he looks at us, stepping in front of his team mates. "we did have help, I mean, we wouldn't be here-" He gets slapped in the chest by the main mouthy boy, he coughs from probably getting the wind knocked out of him. Hit him hard enough in the chest and he could die, or even go unconscious.

The boy shuts up. "We better be going before you girls report to your team about us. We wouldn't that from messengers, now would we?" He asks, treating us like we're little kids. I went to go at him when the other two held me back. 

"See ya on the ice, loosers," Toria says and Shelby nods walking past them and being her shy self. We continue and head down and up the stairs to our room for the night. Later tonight we'll report back downstairs with our team for supper, and most teams join there. In some huge room where all teams go to eat, and from different categories, too, not just hockey.

Once upstairs, we all sit together in our room, on our beds doing our thing. Toria heads to sleep, as always and Shelby and I talk. I pondered over something crazy. Being here away from our parents is all right. Though I miss mine, I do wish they could come. I'm sure they will or might, but which ever, they trusted the three of us here. Knowing we're all close friends and will have each others' backs. I like that about us. 

I mean, we're so close together as friends. if we had some sort of test, we'd out beat many people. But there's some people who stalk their friends and know absolutely everything, which is overboard and crazy. Our friend group is tight though, we stick up for each other, though, I am a litlte more protective than the other two. But you know I had this feeling, seeing that boy from the other team. I can't describe it and even if I tried, it'd be too... dumb. Yeah, that's the word, dumb. 

"Hey, what're you thinkin' about?" Shelby asked, laying in her bed reading some 80s magazine. 

I sat up and sat criss cross apple sauce facing  her as I sat in the middle of the bed. Moving my hair from my face, since the window was wide open to get the smell of feet out of here, and behind my ear. "Nothing much, just how they're doing back home, ya know?"

She nods and quickly changes the subject. "It's so cool how we fooled those guys into thinking we're trainors for the Canadian hockey team when really we play for them," She laughs. Getting off her bed, she walks to her nightstand and grabbed a piece of paper and pen, writing something.

I grew oddly curious and asked, "Whatcha writing?" She looks up with a smile on her face.

"A list of goals that we should do while we're here,"

I jump off my bed, making sure not to wake Toria. Since she stays up so late, sleeps in and then naps during the dya, and classes, too. I do the same, while Shelby doesn't do sleeping in and she doesn't go to bed as late as we do, but close enough.  I walk over, my arms to my sides as I step next to her, reading over her shoulder. "Oh, you should add a prank to your list," I requested after I finsiehd reading. On her list she had:

1. Rollerskate around the building while playing hockey;
2.Pick a Fight;
3. Go shopping for sneakers;
4.Prank someone

And that was about it, it was an all right list. But her list had a good start and I'm sure she'll have things added in a little while. We did talk about making some sort of book about this trip. It'll be ahwile before we leave, unless we get knocked out earlier, which I hope doesn't happen. And we want to fill the book with pictures of all of us, even our team, people we meet. I gotta get one of the team and I'm sure Coach'll have a group photo sometime before leave. And then I need one of us each of us girls and then a group one of the three of us, it'll be awesome.

"You know, that sounds fun? I'd be up for that," She smiles, pinning the paper to the board. For the rest of the afternoon we pondered over things, read, took strolls around, and then headed down for supper, which was different yet interesting.

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