today is 9/11/17

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Today fithteen years ago terrorists took over four Plains sending two into the world Trade Center twin towers, one into the pentagon, and one into field in Pennsylvania. The last plain that landed in the field is believed to have had some of the passengers notified of what happened and they as well as some of the people working on the plain took control and we're able to get the plain away from any civilians who would have been in danger; but those were not the only brave people working to save lives on that day. Rescue workers were going in and out of the world Trade Center bringing the people to safety knowing that they may not have made it out alive and sadly many did not. In place of the world Trade Center is a memorial for all the brave men and women who risked and lost their lives for others on that fateful day they also have lights that shine up into the night sky right where the twin towers were. Today is a day to respect the men and women who lost their lives that day because even thought this was a terrible terrible thing we have grown stronger and we have learned from the sacrifices of all those who worked tirelessly to save everyone directly effected by this attack. Please take even just a moment of your day to be thankful for everyone involved in this terrible event.
-Electric Hope

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