12: Strong

314 40 9

Prompt: Strong
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Fluff, unintentionally deep if you think too hard about it, unintentional symbolism  


Mitch isn't sure about it at first.

"Scott... you're not the most graceful person on the planet, I really don't want to fall on my ass and break something."

Scott sighs. "I'm not going to drop you, Mitchy, you mean too much to me for that."

"Does it really matter if you love me if you fall over the second I land in your arms?" Mitch retorts, only partially teasing. Scott's got him wrapped up tight in a hug on the couch, though, at the moment, so he's kind of making a moot point.

"So if you don't want to jump, I'll just pick you up. We know I can do that."

Mitch nods reluctantly. They need this kiss shot, so maybe they'll start with Scott picking him up. He trusts Scott, for sure, but he's still not confident Scott's actually coordinated enough to catch him and not fall over.

Their first take, Mitch lets Scott pick him up, and their rewatch instantly shows how unenthusiastic it looks. That won't do. Their second take, Mitch puts a little more effort into it, and they decide they need more, still.

"Mitch," Scott murmurs as they set up for their third take. "Do you trust me?"

Mitch nods. There's no other response that he could possibly give. He trusts Scott with his life.

"Do the full jump, baby, I've got you."

Mitch doesn't decide to go through with it until he sees how bright and happy Scott genuinely looks when they turn to face each other, and he distantly hopes they get the right angle to show the way Scott's eyes are glittering.

He takes a breath and jumps.


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