7: Pocket

350 51 16

Prompt: Pocket
Warnings/TWs: none
Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Meetcute, Fluff, Secret Admirers


It happens every day. Every day at exactly 3:00PM, Mitch leaves his desk to run the physical copies of his reports to his manager, because for some reason he works with old gits who don't understand how email work. Whenever he comes back at 3:10PM, without fail for the past month, there's a scrap of paper in his pocket with a little quote or a cute message on it, things like "You got this!" or "Hey, don't forget you're beautiful!" or "Sean in Accounting is a bitch, fuck that guy but don't actually fuck him." or "You're doing great!"

Mitch wants to know who this note-leaver is. The first time, he hadn't even noticed the note until he was halfway home. He's gotten accustomed to it, though, and as much as each handwritten message makes him smile, he really does want to know who's been writing them.

He starts simple, just glances around at his office as he leaves his cubicle on his way to the manager's office. The cubicle walls make it hard to see anything specific, though, so he abandons that idea pretty fast and starts planning something else that'll be guaranteed to work if he can pull it off.

He starts doing some of his work at home and crams as much as he can in whenever he can. The goal here is to be able to turn in his report for just one day in by lunch instead of 3:00.

Mitch gets his chance one ordinary Tuesday. Nothing's out of the ordinary, but Mitch turns his report in during his lunch break, and spends the next three hours or so starting with his next one. Once it hits 3, Mitch gets up and stretches, heading out of their work area and towards the manager's office, but doubles back around the other side of the workspace instead of down the hall. From here, he can kind of see the entrance to his cubicle, where his jacket is resting innocently on his chair.

There's a few minutes where Mitch thinks nothing's going to happen, that the person he's deemed his "secret admirer" has seen through his ruse and won't go today, but he's disproven soon enough.

A tall blond boy—man, really, judging by how broad his shoulders are and the scruff dusting his jaw—casually approaches Mitch's cubicle. Scott, Mitch thinks his name is. With a cursory glance around, Scott crouches just out of Mitch's line of sight and presumably, slips the note into Mitch's pocket.

Mitch isn't letting him get away.

"Scott?" Mitch says, subtly blocking Scott's only route of escape. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Oh, hi, Mitch," Scott trips over his words.

"You wouldn't happen to know who's been leaving these cute little notes in my jacket pocket, would you?"

"Um," Scott says, flushing red to his the tips of his little ears. Mitch thinks it's cute.

Mitch steps around Scott to read today's note.

Hey, beautiful, you're doing great! Even if you think you're not, you're still doing better than Sean from accouting :))

Mitch smiles and grabs a sticky note off his desk and scribbles down his number, sticking it to Scott's chest.

"Call me, Scott, we should go out for a drink at some point."


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