Unhidden Truths

49 16 11

(Alisha's Pov)

Carter and I spent a while with his mother, Lera.
I found but she is part Italian, same as Carter, her favourite food is pasta and she's been diagnosed with breast cancer.
She actually brought up the topic of Carter's modeling, and let me tell you, that didn't go down too well , honestly I was a little shocked, I was still confused about when Carter said he didn't have a choice to do modeling, and I didn't expect him to get as upset as he did.

He actually got so upset that he punched a wall, that didn't end well, he ended up with bruised knuckles.

After that we left to give Lera some rest, she was beginning to look drained and exhausted, it's what was best.

And now here we were walking along the street, all thoughts of food gone.
Carter and I walked alongside each other hand in hand, walking in the direction of my house.

We reached my house within 20 minutes.
Honestly, I was feeling a bit uneasy, my parents were going to murder me, most likely literally.
I had run away during an argument, yelled at them, stayed with a famous model, who by the way still has my panties, met the pantie snatchers mum, and now I was heading back to the place where I was about to get hunted down by my own parents.

Damn, I guess this all was my own fault, I might as well own up to the consequences sooner, better than later.

Carter and I reached my doorstep, us both still holding hands,
"Carter, if my parents actually do murder me, please do me a favour," I asked half jokingly

Carter smirked
"Yes, little lady, and what favour would that be?" He questioned, running his finger over the palm of my hand.

I moved closer and whispered in his ear.

"Returning my undergarments to my grave," I said lightly.
Carter full on grinned

"Not a chance love, if your parents murder you, which I'm sure they won't, but if they do, as you say they will then there will be no need for you to have them in your grave."
I gave him a dirty look.

"Carter I just want them back, they are mine after all," I said huffing, and crossing my arms over my chest.

Carter let out a deep chuckle.
"No!, you're wrong, they belong to me, they're my possession now." He said as he raised his thumb over my bottom lip.

I was about to reply in a smart way when the front door flew open.

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