The Ring

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*Adam's POV*

Sarah stayed later than she should've. I told her a specific time to be home and she left it in the dust. I'm probably going to have to ground her. What can I say? She should've been home when I told her to be. We were in her room discussing how I should handle this. She knows better than this. I hope she learns her lesson. "Adam! I swear, you can call him and he'll say that he was trying to tell me something!" she yelled. "For five hours?! I think that a talk would last for about thirty minutes." I responded. "Please, it was important for me to know this. Please believe me Adam... please!" she pleaded. I don't know what to say. She only did this once but she quit after that. "Adam... can we talk right quick." Ty said, the first thing that I noticed was his arm sling. As you may remember Ty was shot in the arm, the doctor said it was going to be paralyzed for about a year. Until then, he has to wear an arm sling. I walked out of the room and he closed the door lightly behind me. You know how it felt to be that age... I heard Ty say in my head.

"Adam, believe her. You know when she acts like this that she's telling the truth. Please Adam." he said. Now I felt guilty. "Ok, I'll tell her. Also, do you think we can go this year?" I said. "I'm sure they'll allow it. She is pretty known." he said while walking down stairs. It's nearly time for Pax. I want to see my fans, but I also want her to be there with us. Without getting hurt. Anyways, I walked into her room and started discussing with her. "Ok, I just realized something. I believe you, just next time this happens don't expect that you'll get out so easy." I winked. "Thanks Adam! I love yooooooouuuu!!!" she said. "Love you too." I said back. I looked at the time, not that I was wanting to get to bed early. Tomorrow was a weekend anyways. I looked at the time because me and Ty at a certain time watch a movie during the weekend or a Friday night. 9:00, yes! It was time. I went down stairs and jumped on the couch and Ty came down from his room. I don't care what we're watching. I just want to be with Ty tonight.

*Sarah's POV*

Once Adam went down stairs I got on my computer to record. I looked on Skype and John was on. 'Why not?' I thought. I called him and he picked up immediately. "Hey! What's up?" he said. "Oh, nothing. Do you mind if we record a Sky Games?" I asked. Since I was Adam's daughter I have to support him in any way.

I hopped on his server and everybody crowded me. "You ready?" he said. "Ready when you are!" I responded. "Ok, 3...2...1...GO!" he said. I turned on the recording and started to move away from the crowd. "Hey guys SarahGold here with, you guessed it.... SKY GAMES!!! You guys have asked and asked for this sooooooo here we are! I'm here with John and I'm going to kick some ass." I said. "Not if I get you first." he said. "I AM CATNISS!!!" I yelled. He laughed and we got into a map. "So what's the plan? Do we just run? Or should we attack?" I asked. "What ever you want." he responded. The timer dinged and I ran. "You get the supplies! Meet me at the bridge." I said. I ran out of sprint a while after, but I was at the bridge. He soon caught up and handed me a stone sword, two pieces of steak, and a iron chestplate. "For you..." he said. "What do you have?" I asked. "A wooden sword, leather chestplate and one porkchop." he said. "I'll protect you." he said after an awkward silence. "Thank you. I really am astonished." I responded. I saw somebody coming from a distance. But it was somebody familiar. Somebody I used to play Minecraft with. The user name was... darclight138? Oh shit, it was Devin.

-Flashback (~•_•)~-

I looked around to see where he was. 'Where is he?' I thought. I was at a bowling alley, I could hear the music, blasting from the next room. I couldn't wait just to play some bowling with my boyfriend. He would finally spend time with me. But I feared that he would treat me like crap if he hangs out with me. I took a deep sigh and hoped for the best. Devin finally walked in. "Hey umm let me tell you what happened." he said. "We'll talk about it later, lets just have fun for now." I responded. "Ok umm let's get our shoes and go..." he said. We got our shoes and we went to our alley. He pushed me out of the way and ran to the chair so that we could see our points. Of course I thought he was just playing, but he kept on doing these things.

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