Not Real

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*Ty's POV*

"What the hell?" I heard Adam say as he looked into the thing. I didn't know what it was. But it was blue, it had a note on it, and at the top it said police box. I guess it's like a phone booth. The only thing is, when I looked inside, it was a different story. Wires hanging from the ceiling, a huge machine looking thing, and a stair case. This was defiantly not a phone booth. "Is this real? I mean I've only seen the Tardis in the doctor who series." Sarah said. Is that what it's called? A Tardis? I've never seen Doctor Who. But still, it's fictional! It would never be here. Maybe it's just an illusion.

We had to move on to the fans, and our friends. It's just crazy. I just couldn't stop thinking about the thing. Why was it bigger on the inside? I really couldn't think about that right now. After a while, pax day one was finished. We had a good time! But I couldn't get the 'thing' out of my mind. The only thing I forgot about it was its name. Once we got to the hotel, I got a text. I looked at my phone to see who it was. Jordan, AKA CaptainSparkelz. We haven't recorded in a while, so it was nice to see him at Pax. He invited us to get dinner with some of his friends. I tapped Adam on the shoulder. "Hey Jordan wants us to have dinner with him at this cafe with a few others. Do you think we can go?" I asked. "Do you think Sarah could go? If not I'll ask Jerome to take care of her." he said. "I don't know... let me ask." I pulled out my phone from my pocket and asked. He had already met her so I think it'll be possible. He texted back, this is what he said. "Umm I really don't think it would be age appropriate if she came. Besides, there's going to be a bunch of guys there. I don't think she would be comfortable around them." After I read the text I turned to Adam. "He says it wouldn't be age appropriate if she came." I explained. He pulled out his phone and started texting Jerome. Which he could've just have gone to the room next to us and asked.

Soon Jerome knocked at the door. Adam ran to the door, nearly tripping himself over. "Hey buddy! What's up?" he said, calmly. Usually he's more energetic. Well probably Pax tired him out. We were there for a while. Anyways, we explained everything to Jerome and left. We were going to be late if we waited longer. Once we got there we talked, but something wrong happened. Something that would change everything. Even my life.

*Sarah's POV*

I was on my bed, well hotel bed, once Jerome came. I was on my phone, texting Nathan. He kept asking me what Pax was like. Sometimes it got annoying. Not him texting me, but him asking on and on what Pax was like. Really I just said what I've said before to him. Easy as that. "Hey goober!" Jerome yawned. "Hey, you seem tired." I responded. "Yep, had a huge day at Pax. I was so tired that I took a nap." he said. The earlier yawn made me yawn. Huh, who knew that Pax would be so tiring? I surely didn't.

We just watched movies. Since we had nothing to play video games with. Also I didn't bring my camera, so I really couldn't do vlogs. That's a problem on my part. But I'm sure that the people that watch me would understand. After a while I got on YouTube on my phone, to view the comments. I got on to my latest video to see what was up. 'oh god' I said to myself. In the comments I see #Jarah, for me and John. I looked at my other videos, same thing.

Oh god, it's all over my videos. Should I tell Adam and Ty? No, it's ridiculous. We are dating anyways, but how did they find out? I should just stop thinking about it.

-1 hour later-

Jerome was on the other side of the room, sleeping. Its fine, I really can just take care of myself. But Adam and Ty should be home by now. Maybe it's just traffic. Where ever they are, I hope they're ok. I was on the bed watching a horror movie, which was a bad idea. Nobody was there to comfort me when I got scared, although Jerome was across from me, I felt like I was going to be taken into a basement where I'm tortured to escape. Yes I'm watching Saw. But I've never seen the movie and I really wanted to! Now I can see why I wasn't allowed to. I had a pillow in my grasp so that I can cover my face when something would happen. Then I heard something moving around in the room. I look to my side, Jerome was gone. I was going to run out, but I was frozen with fear. I felt something brush against my foot. I quickly pulled it up, so that nobody could pull me by it. I looked around the room for a certain light other than my phone and the TV. Every light was off except for the dim glow of the TV.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped and ran for the door. Then I heard laughing. "WHAT?! WHY?!" I screamed. Jerome was laughing uncontrollably on the bed. "Oh I got you good!" he said in between laughs. I ran up to him and pounced. We had a tickle battle. Don't judge, he won though. "Ok! Ok! You got me you got me!" I said laughing. "That scare teaches you not to watch horror movies without an adults permission. But damn! You were scared, you should've seen you face." he said, still recovering from the halrious experience. Well it wasn't too thrilling for me. After a while Adam came, but Ty didn't. "Jerome we need to go." he said. I noticed that his clothes were burnt. Was there a fire at the cafe? I ran up to him and hugged him. "Where's Ty?" I asked. "He's at the hospital. We need to go, just me and Jerome for now. Just don't get into trouble while we're gone. Ok?" he explained. I was about to cry. "Again? Oh please let me go, I need to see him. Please!" I pleaded. "Its too much for you, I'm sorry but you need to stay here. I'll be back tomorrow so I can take you there, ok?" he reassured. I nodded yes with tears in my eyes. Why couldn't see my own dad? It just reminds me of last time. I was worried. I wanted Ty to be fine, to be healthy. I prayed that he'll be fine.

*Ty's POV*

I woke up in an uncomfortable bed. Or was it just me? I look to my side and all I see is Adam sleeping in a chair. His clothes were burnt. How did it get like that? I looked at my arms, there were smoke patches on them. Was I in a fire? No, I wasn't. I remember it now.

We walked into the cafe to see Jordan with Markipler, SeaNanners, and AllShamNoWow. I guess they're a few of his friends. "Oh, hey guys! What's up?" Jordan says. "Oh nothing, you?" I say back. Me and Jordan have been friends for a while, but we hadn't had the time to record. It's sad, I should be recording with him. But again it was nice to see him at Pax. "Umm so I've heard you and Adam is it? Have a daughter." Mark said. "Uh yea, we actually do... is there a reason why you want to know this?" Adam replied. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to know if she was a fan of mine or not." he said. "Actually she is. I see her watch your videos from time to time." I said. We talk for a little bit until our food came by. The waitress looked oddly familiar though. I suddenly realized the eyes. Green and blue. It was Dawn. I looked over at Adam, he had panic in his eyes. I thought that she was in jail. Apparently not. I didn't do anything until she would strike. I looked at my left arm, the one that got shot about a month ago, and I remembered how much it hurt just to get in a fight with her. Heat, it surrounded me. I could feel it through my finger tips. Coursing through my veins. I tried to hold it back until she striked. I tried to listen to the guys but I knew she had something in mind. I saw her lift her hands and as soon as I saw her do that then chairs started flying. The heat in my finger tips became smoke, and that smoke became fire. I attacked, then everything went black.

That was it. I remembered straight away. I hurt Adam. I hurt Jordan, Nanners(his name is also Adam XD), I hurt Markiplier(AllShamNoWow his real name is Mark too), I hurt everybody. Why am I such an idiot?

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