Chapter 1

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A year after the confrontation with Colony L3 X-18999 and the take over by Mariemaia, it was Christmas Eve. The Gundam pilots were finally able to celebrate a real Christmas.

So Relena invited everyone to the home that her husband Heero and her owned. With her earnings from her political actions in the past few years and her family's inheritance allowed them to buy a fairly large house. To Heero it seem superfluous but he was grateful that it gave his friends a place to stay although he hardly voiced it.

Relena was busying herself in the kitchen making her father's special eggnog when the doorbell rang. "Heero honey, can you get that?" With a single "Mhmm" he answered her getting up from his computer, stretching with a groan. He had found himself a computer tech job and he had been finishing up a few checks before everyone arrived. He walked to the door opening it with not much effort like always.

"How you doing, Heero-baby?" Suddenly Heero found himself in a huge bear hug from his close friend, Duo.

"Hello Duo." he said rolling his eyes at his enthusiastic friend's greeting as he shrugged him off.

"Hi Heero" Duo's shy girlfriend Hilde said holding a green bean casserole. They had been living together for the past year, both working at a local scrap metal plant. Hilde had been secretly hoping that someday they could make their lives officially together bust she knew she had to wait for him to make his move when he was ready. Although sometimes she felt it maybe never because Duo didn't seem like that he was the marriage type.

"So tell me, hows married life treating you?" Duo asked with a smirk as he slung his around Heero's shoulder. This time Heero didn't even bother to push him off this time. "It's going good." he replied.

"He better say that!" Relena added appearing around the corner and kissing Heero on the cheek.

"It's great to see you two" she said with a grin turning her attention to them as Heero wrapped his arm around Relena's waist.

"Hilde, why don't we take that casserole you have there into the kitchen and let the boys bring in all of your stuff." Hilde nodded with a smile, still feeling shy but feeling better thanks to Relena's friendliness following her to the kitchen but not before Duo gave her quick peck on the lips.

The boys headed out to the car to grab the luggage and Christmas gifts.

"So how things at the scrap plant?" Heero asked grabbing a bag from the trunk.

"It's awesome! You should see some of the hardware I have seen there. Like the stuff I used on Deathsycthe. Man, makes me almost miss the old days." Duo said as he bent over to pick up some luggage when a small black box fell out of his coat pocket. Heero picked it up, "Shizuma Jewelers?" he said curiously examining the box about to open it up. Duo stiffened, Oh crap! and quickly snatched it from his hands before had a chance. "It's just a small Christmas gift for Hilde" he said quickly almost like he was hiding something. Heero shrugged it off although he had an idea or two of what was Duo's actions would be. Well this Christmas just got allot more more interesting. he thought to himself.

They carried in everything and barely got the door closed when the doorbell rang again. Heero sighed and opened it again. Standing in the doorway there was Trowa hand in hand with his fiancée Cathy. Behind them Quatre stood with a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey guys It's great to see you." Trowa said with a smile."Hey Trowa! I heard you are getting ready to take that big leap. So did you give her a big rock?" Duo said is normal friendly matter.

Cathy flashed him her ring showing it had a large diamond on it with a proud smile on her face. Duo's jaw dropped as Heero's eyes got wide.

"Man, how does she hold that thing up!" Duo exclaimed. Trowa grinned proudly and Cathy giggled at their surprise. Quatre chuckled behind them and Duo realized he was there.

"Quatre, o'l buddy! How are you doing." he said as he gave him a hug.

"Hey Duo." he said returning his hug and then faced every one once again. "Sorry guys, if we were late. I ended up getting to Trowa's later then I planned, so it's my fault that we didn't leave when we originally planned"

Heero rolled his eyes with a smirk as he thought He really does blame himself for everything doesn't he? and Duo just chuckled thinking about the same. "Don't worry about it, buddy. Wufei and Sally aren't here let alone, Zechs and Noin. They are the ones who are late not you guys." Duo answered for the group, Heero nodded behind him.

"Maxwell, what are you going on about now?" Wufei's voice rang out as he appeared with his girlfriend and fellow Preventer, Sally at his side. A number of greetings were given to the two as everyone migrated into the house.

Relena returned with Hilde and she gave out instructions of where everyone was staying and the boys headed outside to grab everything but Sally stopped Duo for a moment.

"Hey Duo, as fair warning. I wouldn't give Noin and Zechs much crap about being late if I was you. With Noin's condition they have an excuse."

Duo looked at her with a confused look on his face and Sally just laughed thinking to herself. Apparently she hasn't told everyone or maybe Duo is just clueless.

"You'll see what I mean." Sally told him with a wink.

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