Chapter 4

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Finally they were ready to eat, so they all gathered around the dining room table that displayed the delicious holiday food.

"Wow you out did yourself with this, Relena. It looks amazing." Noin said with a smile as everyone around her agreed. Heero reached under the table and gave her knee a gentle squeeze.

"You did do a great job, Relena." he said said with a light smile. Relena placed her hand on his and looked into his eyes sweetly. "Thank you, Heero." Even though his gesture was simple it meant a lot.

Thinking to more then a year ago, she wasn't sure then where they stood. She had been with politics and he was out in space. It wasn't until Marimaya captured her and Heero came to rescue her did she fully see it. He didn't have to , she hadn't asked him to but he had always promised silently to protect her and kept that promise proving that he cared about her. That fact was enough for Relena.

"So are we gonna just stare at it or eat it?" Duo said with a laugh picking up his plate ready for the okay to begin looking around at the others with a smirk.

"I would like to make a toast first." Quatre piped up. Everyone nodded in agreement and Duo set his plate back down encouraging him to go ahead.

Quatre smiled at them happily obviously more relaxed then he had been early when Dorothy had shown up at the door a hour earlier. Next to him she sat holding his hand just as happy.

While everyone had busied themselves with dinner, they were able to talk and explain their feeling to each other. With them both seeing the wonder of coming together at this time they decided to give love a chance. Dorothy was especially grateful, after a wonderful night at the wedding she became scared of her own feeling she had for Quatre. She had never felt vulnerable with anyone yet with him, it was different, he saw into her and saw what the feelings she had been hiding there.

So after that night she tried her best to push Quatre away and erase her feelings, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. Despite her fear her own heart and mind betrayed her with thoughts of Quatre filling them, so when she got that phone call from Relena this night she decided it was time to face the music. And as she sat hand in hand with Quatre she was beyond glad she did and so was he.

"First off I want to thank Heero and Relena for opening up their home to us. I know I am so very grateful for their caring gesture. This Christmas hasn't even came yet and I have already received what I have wanted for a long while." Quatre looked at Dorothy with a smile, squeezing her hand and then turned back to the others. "I am also grateful for peace. A year ago I didn't believe we would see this day and I know you all felt the same. We all fought so hard and we were ready to achieve to peace by dieing for it." Everyone around the table nodded to him silently remembering the events that had taken place in that last battle.

"Our efforts proved worth it after all of it and we finally we are able to enjoy a peaceful Christmas with the people we love. So I want to make a toast to many more peaceful Christmases for all of us and our future children" he said nodding to Zechs and Noin who smiled back.

Quatre raised his glass and the others followed in suit. "To peaceful Christmases from here on out." and with that they all clinked their glasses.

"And now before Duo begins eating the waxed fruit in Relena's table setting, I suggest we eat." he said with a laugh pulling laughter from everyone except Duo. "Hey!" he said in mock disgust to everyone at the table before breaking out in laughter himself.

With that they all began passing out the food and they fully enjoyed their delicious Christmas dinner.

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