Chapter 6

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"Actually I have one more gift to give" Duo piped up and everyone turned their attention to him, encouraging him to continue.

"Hilde." he stood up and helped her up. He then went down on one knee, caused her and the girls to gasp. Heero smirked knowing from the start he was right.

"Hilde-baby, I know we have been together for the last couple years and I know I haven't always been here for you but I want to change. I want to be here for you forever. And I want to be with you to be with me forever." He then dug in his pocket and pulled out the same jewelry box he had dropped earlier that night. He opened up the box and there sat a gold ring with a single diamond in the middle in a princess cut. Although it was a simple ring to Hilde it was more precious the fanciest jewelry.

"Hilde, will you marry me?" There it was the question Hilde had been waiting for so long from Duo. Tears of joy welled in her eyes spilling down her cheeks.

"Yes, Duo." she replied with a smile and he took her into his arms, kissing her with all his love for her and his happiness making it the most amazing kiss ever.

Everyone cheered and congratulated them.

"Wow first Yuy, then Barton and now Maxwell. Before you know it we'll all of us boys will be tied down." Wufei said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "And that's a bad thing?" Sally asked him with a glare. "Hey don't knock it. Marriage defintly has it's pluses." Noin added. Next to her Zechs smiled and wrapped his arm around his wife.

"Hey. Hey, I'm just saying a year ago, none of us were." Wufei replied putting his hands up defensively. "We've grown up so fast from the young boys a few years ago thrown into this world through our Gundams and as soilders."

"The thing is now, none of us have to live that way again. We have the freedom to live and love the way we want to. Our past was the price for a beautiful, peaceful future together as friends and lovers." Quatre added as he took Dorothy's hand. Everyone took a moment to let it all sink in.

"Yes Quatre is right" Heero spoke up after a moment. "We finally have the peace we have all desired. And to that I would like to make one final toast of this Christmas Eve." Everyone grabbed their glasses of eggnog that were sitting near them. "A toast to peace."he said lifting his glass.

"To peace" everyone echoed clanking their glasses with the people close to them.

With that in their hearts they truly hoped that their wish would cometrue and peace would forever be blessed upon them forever. As the snow fell silently outside it echoed their wish, for peace forever.

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