Quiet Love

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As I sit in my class my dull pencil scratching across the paper i thought of him.

His green eyes,

brown hair,

amazing smile,


He was the one man running around in my head all day but he'll never know that.

I see him pass me in the halls always a beautiful girl on his arm.

I duck my head so he won't notice my stair,

my longing stair.


I see her in the hall's every day her curves hiding under lumpy clothes,

I wish she wouldn't keep her head down,

I want to see her face,

her smile,

and her mesmerizing eyes.

She's amazing I watch her with her friends when she dosent't notice her laugh booming across the class,

making my heart ake,

I wanna make her laugh like that.

I could never be with a girl like her,

she deserves better than me,

she is better than me.


I wish he would see me as more,

I wish he would see me as someone worth his affection,

not even his friends look at me the way i wish he would,

no one looks at me the way i wish he would,

because i'm not good enough for any of them,'

I'm worthless.

Girl and Boy:

As i walked down the hall talking to my friends i fell when i walked into someone.

"I'm so sorry i did'nt me-"

He was on me,

his body falling on top of mine,

every part of me tingling with mixed emotions.

Our eyes met,

her beautiful blue eyes piercing me with so much i couldn't take it,

she was utterly beautiful laying here.

His eyes racked over my face a smile on his lips,

I couldn't help but wonder why that smile was there.

I stared at her small pink lips,

so soft,

so kissable.

He began to lean in,

My heart began to race but i took a chance and kissed him.

We sat there like that until the world came back to us,

some girls gasping,

his friends cheering him on,

and a teacher screaming for him to get up.

I smiled a huge smile as i got up feeling his hand run down my back as he brushed off the dirt.

"I'm sorry again."

he said to me a smile on his face while scratching his head,

his face flushed.

I smiled and surprised myself by saying,

"It's okay, you can fall on me anytime."

I could feel my cheeks burn but then his hand caressed my check, and i stared strait into his eys my heart fluttering.

We walked away hand in hand and began talking about how silly we were liking each other for so long and keeping it hidden.

She excepted me,

she want's me as much as i want her,

and she told me I'm more than good enough for her.

He exepted me ,

he want's me as much as i want him,

and he told me I'm more than good enough for him.

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