0.3 \\ Convincing

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Jungkook POV

The school day was over. What a terrible day. Even the teachers gave me dirty looks. Like, WTF?! Why? Just why?
Once the last bell rang, I practically ran out of the class. I immediately bumped into something hard and stumbled backward. I looked up and saw Jin hyung with his pacific ocean-sized shoulders (y'all know that meme?😏) "The principal wants to see you," was all he said before he intentionally bumped into my shoulder and walked away. I gulped and slowly made my way to the office. I slowly opened the door to the principal's office. "Um, excuse me, sir?" I ask in a tiny voice.

"Come in, Mr. Jeon," he says in a deep as hell voice. Even deeper than Tae hyung's voice. I gulp again and enter the air conditioned room and take a seat in front of him. "Mr. Jeon, what agenda do you have against Ms. (Y/L/N) ?" Wait what?
"I'm sorry, what, sir?" I asked in confusion. What the heck did he mean? "People keep saying that you tripped her leading to her, ah, unfortunate condition. And -" "I swear! I didn't do it! She tripped over her own foot! I'm telling you! If you want, try checking the CCTV cameras!" I cut him off with a rant. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. Looks like I got him tongue tied with the truth.

"Come with me," he said and motioned to a door which was labelled 'Control Room'.
"Please show us the footage of the Gym 2 weeks ago," the principal said to the CCTV supervisor. He nodded and took out a cassette and put it into a cassette player. The footage started to play.

Several classes were playing in the gym. I urged the supervisor to speed up the footage. He did so and there I was, with (Y/N) in front of me. The angle was such that you could see (Y/N) facing the camera while being in front of me. Then (Y/N) tripped and fell. The angle of the camera made it look like she tripped over my foot. I sighed in annoyance. Now how as I gonna prove that I didn't hurt her?
"Mr. Jeon, we cant prove that you didn't trip her. The video makes it look like you did. I'm sorry, and no one will believe you because of well, your reputation," said the principal. I sighed again and walked out of the office and out of the school. I plugged in my earphones and listened to music. I so badly wanted to try and get out of this mess. As I was walking, I stopped by a cafe and decided to get a snack. They say sweet stuff can make you feel better and I was pretty much craving something sweet. I walked in and ordered a slice of cheesecake. I took my order and sat at a table in the corner of the shop and began to eat. I started to feel much better.

Then the entrance bell of the shop tinkled and in walked 6 girls. I recognised (Y/N) and her friends. Seeing her so happy with them made me smile. How could she be so happy in a situation like this? Because she's not the one who has the entire school against her, I chided myself. Wait, why was I feeling happy in seeing her? Maybe I was pitying her. Yeah that must be it. The two of them went to order while (Y/N) and the three others took a seat at a table right across from me. (Y/N)'s best friend, Minhyun and the rest if then had been giving me really dirty looks all day. I was praying that they wouldn't notice me.

But, unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side. Minhyun noticed me and motioned my position to the rest if them. They turned around one by one, each giving a dirty look whereas (Y/N) just have me a plain look.
I decide that I better get the heck outta there so I immediately got up and left. I reached home and decided to sleep off all this stress. Thankfully, I didn't have any homework today so I was free to sleep.


"Hey, how about we head to our usual cafe, huh?" Jisoo suggested. "We dont have any homework and such, and I bet we're still under shock by what that jerk Jungkook tried to do with (Y/N), so why not?" Rose said. We all agreed.
Once the final bell rang, we collected our books and made our way to the cafe. You entered and noticed that all the tables were occupied except for a table near the corner. You pointed out to it. Rose and Jisoo headed towards the counter to order while the rest of you sat at the table. Minhyun, Lisa and Jennie were having a small discussion about how they'd wanna hurt Jungkook, but only in a joking way, while you just listened. Soon Jisoo and Rose joined their little rant. You smiled at their goofiness.
Suddenly the table went quiet and they were looking at the table that was behind you, one by one. You looked behind you after the rest of them did, and you saw none other than Jungkook. You looked at him slightly in a pitying way. People were hating on him. It was sad. Wait. What are you thinking? You should be happy that he's being hated on! Sheesh, what is wrong with you, (Y/N)?

As if there was some understanding between the 5 girls and Jungkook, he left the cafe.

"I'm glad he left," Lisa says. "The nerve of him, showing up at our cafe!" She exclaims. "Lisa, anyone can come to this cafe. It isn't technically ours," Jennie says matter-of-factly. Lisa makes an O shape with her mouth. The rest of you snicker.

He looked really hurt and sad. Maybe he needs a hug.

No! Bad (Y/N)! You will not hug him!

Be quiet!

Your thoughts had been going haywire ever since Jungkook kissed your forehead.

The shop bell tinkled. A boy with slightly broad shoulders and pink hair entered the shop and took a chair and sat at your table.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon. I just wanna say that I'm really sorry on Jungkook's behalf. He keeps trying to convince us that he didn't do it but we aren't gonna believe him because of his actions before," he said before pausing for a second to catch his breath. In this second, you noticed Jisoo and Namjoon exchange glances. Jisoo's cheeks flushed a little and so did Namjoon's.
"Well, um, that's really all I wanted to say, you know, and um, I should actually be going. Sorry again."
I waved off his apology with a smile. He smiled back at all of us and left the store. I made a sign that Jisoo seemed to like Namjoon.

"Oooooh!" The four girls except for Jisoo, who was glaring at you. You had a look of satisfaction on your face.

"Shut up," she said, while her cheeks went red again. This meant that all of you were soon going to start teasing her.



Hi guys, I'm finally back from the dead😬
Anyways, I'm sorry for the short chapter, I just really wanted to post something. Please vote and comment!

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