Beautiful Night.

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The cool breeze brushed passed me. I felt the warm sun rays fall on my skin. The wind made the skirt of my knee length dress wave lazily With every little step I took I felt the tips of the grass ruffle. The sounds of happy and excited laughter, joyous screams and light notes of music filled the background. I chuckled in happiness and excitement. The fact was that I could hear everything around me, but I couldn't see. Wonshik stood behind me, his arms around my shoulders as his hands covered my eyes.I could feel his breath near my neck as he whispered to my ear,

" We're here."

I felt him step back as I opened my eyes. The light of the Sunday afternoon blinded me at first before the colours of red, yellow and blue started to fill in. The picture became clearer, I was at a carnival.

I laughed in happiness as I spun around. Wonshik smiled at me but before he could say anything I hugged him, my arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, my fingertips just touching the soft black hair on the back of his neck.

" Wonshik! A carnival!? Thank you!"I exclaimed, my eyes closed tight as happiness overwhelmed me. I had just come back to the country after completing my studies in university. Wonshik was waiting impatiently till I came. He wanted to take me out as soon as I came. A day after I arrived I agreed to go out. He knew I loved carnivals and that I hadn't been to one since I was twelve. This was amazing.

" What do you want to try first?"He chuckled as he looked back at me, holding me from my waist, our faces were inches apart. I could easily see the happiness gleaming in his eyes.

I looked back at the carnival that was buzzing with people. At a glance I could see the colourful tops of the tents, colourful balloons tied at some places and the top of a Ferris wheel at the far end which indicated where all the rides were.

I couldn't help my happiness. It was years since I went to a carnival. The familiar sounds and images made me flash through the memories of my childhood. I shook my head from right to left, eyeing all the stalls that each help it's own wonders.

" I don't know!" I exclaimed. Wonshik came up to me and I felt his hand slip in to mine. My hand locked in his, he's dark eyes looked back at me, a smug smile appeared on his lips. His other hand In the pocket of his light blue ripped jeans.

" Come on, It won't be long before you find something. We'll start from this end of the carnival, after all, we got the whole evening too." he smiled as he pulled me closer to him, staring in to my eyes. I smiled back at him, I leaned closer to his face, planting a small kiss on his soft lips.

" Your the best Wonshik!"

He stared back at me, then eyed my lips, then my eyes again. His fingers gently caressed the bottom of my chin, his eyes seemed to tell me that he was lost in a whole new haze. He inched in closer to me, involuntary making me close in too.Suddenly he stopped, and eyed my curiosity.

" Wait till the end of the carnival."He smirked before walking ahead into the crowds.


" Here's your ticket." Wonshik had a wry smile as he handed me a blue ticket. My curious gaze went from him to the ticket.

' Horror House'

" WONSHIK NO!" I disagreed as I looked at him with a scrowl. He couldn't help but laugh at my devastated look of fear, anger and irritation. He knew I hated horror houses and yet bought a ticket for it. I crossed my arms.

" Horror house? " I could only say before he ignored my look of disapproval and grabbed my wrist and started to walk through the crowds.

" Y/N, have you been to a horror house yet?" he asked as he stopped walking and looked at me,bending his head to one side as his lips pressed together in a playful scrowl.

Beautiful Night [VIXX Ravi  fanfic] (Starlight Dreams ~ Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now