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Rumi's POV

"I'm not playing babe." I said to Kiari as he continued to ask me to stay in the living room wit him, "If I hear her say one thing bout me I'm gon fuck ha ass up. Ian playing wit ha ass tonight."

"Chill bae." He pulled me onto his lap.

"Nah, Ian gon chill. She need to be careful who she talkin bout and who she talkin too." I crossed my arms.

After a few moments of me still rantin bout Oriel talkin shit, we heard a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes knowing it was a her ass.

"Watch out. Let me go answer it." Kiari said trying to lift me off his lap.

"Baby, I got it." I smirked makin my way to the door.

As soon as I walked up to the door she started pounding her fist against it. I rolled my eyes before answering the door wit a fake smile. As soon as I answered Kody ran past me into the house.

"Where's Set?" She immediately had an attitude after seeing me, "I didn't ask for his help to answer the door."

"Bitch, last time I checked you was stayin in this house as the help, so he could be with his and while he waited for me to get out." I started on her, "I'm bout sick and tired of you thinking you gon get away wit being disrespectful to me."

"You're nobody. Get the fuck out my way so I can talk to MY baby's father." She tried pushin past me, but I stopped her.

"Your baby's father? Don't 2 other women got a child by him?" I tapped my chin and smirked. "You're not special."

"GET THE FUCK OUT MY WAY RUMI!" She started yellin in my face. "I'm not about to play these games wit you."

I laughed, "I'm not playin games. You wanted to talk shit bout me yesterday, but you silent today. Whys that?"

She had push me, and entered the house. That's when I lost it. Instead of letting her walk all the way in I quickly grabbed her shoulder forcing her to face me again before punching her right in her cheek.

She stumbled back a little holding her cheek before catching her balance, "Are you fuckin crazy? They should've kept your ass locked on."

Another trigger to my anger her tellin me I should've never been let out, so that caused me to throw a fist at her lip. After that I threw her on the ground, and blacked out.

I'm not gonna lie she didn't land a couple good punches even though she was on the ground, but she mainly was scratching at my face and arms.

"Kiari!" I heard her yelling, but continued landing punches, "Get this bitch off of me."

"Rumi, what have I told you about fighting?" Kiari's mom was lecturing me as she put antibiotic ointment on the open scratches.

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