14: Mistakes

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John sat up in bed early the next morning, feeling the aftermath of a hangover judging by the pain in his head. His shoulder ached as well and the thought that he never changed his bandage emerged from the back of his mind.

Diverting his gaze to the other side of the bed he found traces of a human being. John didn't think that he had drank that much, but the event's of the previous night were rather hazy. The big picture wasn't clear, so all he had was a few details. He remembered kissing Sherlock in the foyer, then going upstairs, then that's where it goes blank.

He stood, pushing those thoughts out of his mind, finally heading to the bathroom to change his wound. As he started undoing the bandage, Sherlock appeared in the bathroom, his hair a mess and robe hung loosely around him.

"Good morning." The detective said, his voice rather monotonous, which John came to expect when Sherlock was still tired.

"Mornin'." John replied with a small smile in his face. "Can you help me here?"

Sherlock obliged, undoing the rest of the bandages and cleaning the wound and as he did John watched his hands work over his muscle in the mirror. He thought his hardest as to what they could have done last night, but the image never came to him.

When Sherlock finished, he rested his head on John's non-injured shoulder. He took a deep breath in, then exhaled slowly. "John, last night.. It.." Sherlock trailed off, almost at a loss for words.

Still not understanding, John decided to take matters in to his own hands and find out, but it wasn't that hard to guess about what happened in the first place. He wanted to hear it from Sherlock. "What.. Exactly happened?"

Sherlock's head lifted off his shoulder and his companion's face had become visibly distorted. "You don't remember?"

John shook his head. "I don't. I'm sorry. I did drink a little bit last night."

"Oh, yes. That.. That's correct. I should have come to that conclusion. I mean, I did. I ignored it." He took a couple more deep breaths and went to stand in the doorway of the bathroom. "It was a mistake. I can see that now. Your judgement was clouded. Last night was filled with nothing but mistakes."

"Sherlock-" It was then that he noticed a hickey on Sherlock's collarbone. His assumption was correct. They had been more than a little intimate and he had forgotten entirely.

"It's alright, John." Sherlock left the bathroom after replying and John stared in to the mirror at his shoulder. Oddly enough, he didn't feel that it was okay at all.

He wanted to chase after Sherlock, but nothing John said would have made the man speak his mind. His thoughts were locked away in a safe, and John didn't have the key.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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