The Flayed Man Enters

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Sandor and Sansa fell into an unspoken routine. Sansa would enter the bar, greet Sandor and they would both set to work, she'd sing him a sad song and he'd listen, then they both would work their shift without talking but in a comfortable silence, then it would end with them chatting while they waited for Sansa's taxi before Sandor would walk home and the pair both would fall asleep thinking of the other. Their routine worked and by wednesday Sandor looked forward to their nightly meeting. No more kisses had been shared between them but each night both wanted to try it again. She'd given him his hoodie back once again, washed once more and left it smelling like lavender, he'd wanted it to rain or be cold once more so he could give it to her, but summer had a second coming and their nights had been warm enough for her bare arms. The spoke about everything but themselves, the day's events, sports, music and unimportant things.

Sunday rolled around again and Sandor agreed to come back for poker. The group were once again were destroyed by Sansa, with Sandor managing to last a little longer than last time but ultimately having his chips stolen by Beric and then Sansa. He actually laughed a few times, big booming laughs with huge smiles that stretched his scarred face, the entire table watched mesmerized every time it happened while Sansa would beam back at him. They all laid back once more a reveled in their defeat.

"Well." Sansa started. "I gotta get going." The tabled became outraged.

"Hell no!" Guy argued. "We gotta get you drunk and let you reveal more scandals!" He said, pushing her glass of wine towards her. She laughed as she began to collect her things.

"I'm really sorry, I got to meet someone." She explained pulling on her coat. Sandor's face fell back into its heavy frown once again. Who was the someone? Why was she so cryptic?

"I hope this isn't a date your ditching us for young lady?" Beric said sternly, in a fatherly manor, sensing The Hound's fears. She laughed that off too.

"No date for me." As she said this her eyes flickered to Sandor, reassuring him too. "I've got some business affairs to take care of."

Each man eyed her carefully, trying to figure out her cryptic message. She collected her bag and coat before saying goodbye to each man individually, leaving Sandor last of all, but before she could say goodbye they were interrupted.

"See the girl out Sandor." Beric demanded softly, both were taken back for a moment but Beric's face reminded unmoved, turning it to a wink then the pair had their back. Sandor didn't hesitate to leap out of his chair and escort her, wanting to talk to her a little like they had done every night. Sansa's heart leaped at Beric's request, she had looked forward to their interactions every night and wanted more.

They made their way outside, this meeting feeling odd due to the lack of darkness, the sun was starting to set with an orange hue lighting their faces, Sandor's scars glowing in the resting sun.

"This is my favourite time of year." Sansa started. "The beginning of autumn when the chill sets in." She stared at the sunset with hooded lids, her eyes lightly glossing over. "My father would take me and my siblings fishing, I was bad but I liked watching the final dragonflies of the summer skim on the water." She sighed. "I miss those days." She admitted with sad eyes. They never spoke about their pasts, but the sunset filled her with so many memories she couldn't keep her feelings in. She'd held onto her memories and never let them spill out, but to Sandor she felt she could.

He placed his large hand on her shoulder, forcing her to look at him. His other hand lifted her cheek towards him, and instinctively he brought his head down and caught her lips with his. He couldn't bare not to kiss her anymore, watching her open up made his body lose all reason and he had to kiss her pale lips. Their kiss was hesitant, meek as Sandor's rough lip brushed against hers, her's remained still, unsure of what to do. But as he tried to pull away she pulled him close, lips finally moving with his. Her arms around his neck, his arm falling to her waist and his other remaining on her face, keeping it close to him. No words were spoke as their kiss got hungrier, faster and their passion becoming so intense they couldn't get close enough. Neither could think, not that they wanted to.

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