Pranks and Dates Are So Unexpected!

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A 17-year-old girl with long blonde tousled hair, Lucy Heartfilia, slumps over her writing desk, exasperated at the scorching weather and aggravated due to boredom. It is only the first week of the summer holidays, but that doesn't stop Lucy from whining 24/7 because of the lack of interesting things to do.

No, she does not want to go to the beach because she doesn't want to risk a tan. No, she does not feel like eating because she is not hungry. No, she does not want to read a book because her eyes refuse to focus properly. And no, she does not want to go shopping because shopping for her is always tedious.

Her BBF - a petite girl her age with bright azure hair tied by a floral bandanna, named Levy McGarden - is staying over at her house for a few days, to shut her complaints up. Right now she is relaxing on the bed, completely absorbed in Lucy's latest fictional manuscript.

Lucy is supposed to start her next chapter but the blazing heat has muddled her thoughts and besides, she's not in the thinking mood. The blonde haired teenager glances out at the scene beyond the glass panes. Even the grass looks dying; and there aren't many people out either. Gosh, the temperature must be in the high 50's.

"Ugh!" the latter groans in irritation. "This is so boring! And hot, oh it's so hot! I feel like I'm going to melt!"

She turns around and gazes at Levy, hazel eyes greedily drinking in every word with appreciation. She remembers how the two of them first exchanged friendship bracelets in kindergarten and promised to always look out for each other. Their strong bond is firmly connected by their passion for literature. They aren't the most popular gals in school but that didn't bother them. Levy, despite her geeky but innocently cute looks, always know ways to ease their - well, really Lucy's - monotony.

"Levy." No answer.

"Levy..." Still none.

"LEVY!" Lucy clicks her tongue in annoyance.

Her companion stirs and bookmarks her reading. "Yes; what's the matter, Lu?"

She stares at her friend pleadingly. "Can we do please something fun, Levy? I'm so sick of moping around doing nothing all day."

Levy sighs, and an idea strikes her. "Then why don't we try prank calling? It'd be fun."

Grinning, Lucy cheers up. "Not sure what that is, but sounds cool. Okay!"

They immediately reach for Lucy's pink heart-shaped phone, with Levy dictating while Lucy dials the nine random numerals. They are all local numbers of apartments in the region. Most come up invalid, while a few others have no one answering the phone. Disappointed and ready to give up trying, Lucy decides to give it one last attempt. Levy suggests 141201921. Lucy punches in the digits and to her utter surprise; someone picks up at the third ring.

"Hello?" A young man. Levy, listening closely beside her, squeals in both delight and shock. Lucy is rendered speechless.

"Hello?" he says again.

"Who's on the phone?" a second male voice asks.

"Who is this?" The guy doesn't sound mean, or annoyed. Unlike his friend in the background who possesses a brash, metallic voice Lucy doesn't particularly like, this person sounds... Nice.

"U-Uh... Hi," Lucy mumbles over the phone.

"Who's calling, may I ask?"

"M-M-My name's L-Lucy," stutters the poor girl. Oh God, she's sweating up a storm.

"Lucy...?" the man repeats it multiple times before his tone changes. "Oh it's you, 'The Girl With Big Breasts'! Yeah, yeah, hey, what is it?"

Lucy feels as though she has been hit by a train. She throws an accusing glance at Levy, thinking she may have done this on purpose, but Levy just shakes her head in silent denial, claiming to know nothing of this. What a coincidence!

But Lucy finds herself unable - or unwilling - to hang up.

Even though this guy is Natsu Dragneel - a guy in her Geography class. The person in the background is most likely his best friend, Gajeel Redfox! She's never spoken to him before, properly, but they have had one bad encounter in the past...


Lucy filed through the sea of students, laughing and chatting to Levy about a new book they've recently borrowed from the library. Even though the Algebra and the Legal Studies classrooms were in different locations, the best friends still wanted to spend a little more time together before the lessons began.

Meanwhile, Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox - the school's two infamous delinquents - were walking towards them, also engrossed in conversation. Or so everyone thought. Suddenly, Lucy landed on the cold, hard parquet floor and was rubbing her sore back, glaring. Natsu had nudged her hard enough to make her fall and he looked quite pleased.

"Are you alright, Lu?"

The victim ignored this, scrambled to her feet and went up to the pink haired youth.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR, YOU BASTARD?!" she demanded. Everyone's eyes were on them, an audience to their little drama. The boy gave a slight chuckle and leered at her busty uniformed figure.

"Nothing," he said, feigning innocence. "It's just that your enormous breasts were in the way." Lucy blushed furiously and fumed. Instead of slapping him, she stomped away in a huff and called for Levy's attention. As they disappeared up the staircase, Natsu eyes followed Lucy and smiled to himself, knowing that things were going to get fun between them from then on.

And fun did it get.

"So, Mademoiselle Lucy, what are you doing, calling me at a time like this?" Natsu tempts heartlessly, in a voice that makes Lucy want to slug him now more than anything. "Could it be my good looks have somehow won you over?"

"In your dreams, Dragneel!" snaps Lucy. "Us calling you was just -"

"Us? Who's 'us'?"

She pauses. "Me and my friend here, Levy." Levy's eyes widen.

Gajeel pipes up, "That pipsqueak?" Lucy watches as her friend's cheeks turn scarlet with anger. This taunt brings much amusement. Irked, both girls listen as guffaws of laughter erupt at the other end.

Then Natsu collects himself. "By any means, are you and your friend free this afternoon?"

Eyes narrow in skeptical slits. "Why?"

"Do you and um... What's her name -"

"Levy," Lucy puts in coldly.

"Yeah, that's right! If you're available, why don't you guys come hang out with us? I mean, me and Gajeel are literally bummed out. We've nothing better to do and don't have anything planned, so we're wondering if -"

"No thanks!"

Silence. "Come again?"

"I said, 'No thanks'," Lucy says through gritted teeth.

Again, the other line is as quiet as a graveyard. "Oh. Oh, um, I-I'm sorry for disturbing your peace..." Then a soft hiss to himself, "Damn. My first ever rejection."

Impatient, Levy snatches the handset out of Lucy's hands and blurts out, "Hey there, Natsu, metal-brainGajeel, how're you doing?! Nice weather we're having! Just ignore my pigeon-headed friend over here; she doesn't know what she's talking about! Of course, she'd love to hang out with you guys this afternoon! Say, why don't we meet up at The Laughing Lyre in half an hour?"

"Sure, see you then!" Natsu agrees.

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