Part 1

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You woke up on the ground, looking around around confused. You realized you were holding tight onto a lamb doll and figured it was important since you remembered nothing from before, not even your own name. Realizing you were alone you started to freak out and accidentally  dropped your lamb doll. You felt a very strong sense of yearning and picked it up immediately, there was a tag on it that you had not noticed. You looked at it, unable to read it (Cause your only four ) but named it anyway. "Lulu." You said aloud, your voice barely a whisper and hoarse as if you hadn't spoken for a very long time. You had a sudden feeling you were being watched and the hair on your neck rose, you spun around, scared out of your wits. Thinking you saw something in the shadows you started you run forward and ran as fast as your little legs could go, at the end of the field you were in, there was a forest and, without thinking, you run into it. The thistles and thorns scratching at your legs and arms, your lamb getting torn up, everything seemed to happen so fast. You didn't even know what you were running from or even if there was anything there at all. Deep into the forest already you tripped over a loose branch and fell the the floor, eyes shut tight and you just laid there. Laid there hoping it would all be over, hoping it was all a dream. Exhausted you easily fell asleep.

Entering Dreamland •

You jump around gleefully, looking back at your parents who were sitting on the blanket they had set out for your 'tea party' with your little lamb, Lulu. "C'mon Lulu, let's go explore!" You tell your lamb, bounding off with her. But just to make sure you shout to your Mom. "Can me and Lulu go explore!?"  You yelled. "Sure, but don't go far off!" Your Mom shouted back and you resume your running off. You found a golden field of and decide to to play in it, you dance around with Lulu and start to sing-

Exiting Dreamland

What seems like the sound of truck tires interrupts your dream, or memory. You sit up instantly, clinging on to Lulu. Scared, your wide eyes turn around, searching for the source of the sound. Two bright balls of light flash ( headlights ) a bit away from you, not wanting to waste anymore time you run straight ahead. Your mind arguing with your actions. 'Why are you running?! They could help you! 'You think furiously. 'But they could also be the reason I'm running in the first place! Ever think of that dumby? ' You argue with yourself. You see a light ahead and run faster. When you finally reach it your jaw drops and you almost drop Lulu but stop yourself before you could, not wanting to feel that feeling again. In front of you was town ( It seemed huge to you cause your like, REALLY SMALL ) you had a moment of happiness and carelessness but as you turn around you remember what you were doing and your smile dropped. Running into the shadowy parts of it you carry on, never letting go of your lamb.



hope you like it. . . . i guess

Dun kno why i chose the song at the top :T AHH FUDGE IT I DO KNOW, ITS BECAUSE I LIKE IT :0

Word count: 600

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