Part 5

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(Y/n) = Your name

(L/n) = Your last Name

(N/n) = Nickname

(F/c) = Favorite color

(S/c) = Second favorite color

(H/c) = Hair Color

(E/c) =  Eye color

(F/f) = Favorite food

(S/f) = Second favorite food

Your P.O.V.

By now everyone had introduced themselves, you had gotten to know them more. You could tell they were disappointed when you said you didn't even know your name, it was embarrassing.

"Well, what name would you like?" Tord asked. You shrugged. It was completely uncalled for when Edd and Matt started suggesting names like crazy while Tom was thinking to himself. After a while you were just about to say you didn't really need a name but then Tom sounded out of nowhere, "(Y/n)." He said, still looking off in the distance. "That should be his/her name." You were confused, the name felt so familiar but at the same time. . . so far away. And still, how he knew your perfect name, possibly even your actual name from before, made you even more scared of him. You just cuddled deeper into Tord and you heard him chuckle. Edd agreed with Tom. "(Y/n) is a good name, don't you think so Matt, Tord?" Then he looked to you. "Don't you think so? Would you like it?" You nodded because you really did want the name, but part of you didn't. "Then it's decided. (Y/n) it is!" Tord declared. You smiled to yourself.

Tom's P.O.V.

The way (Y/n) had looked at him still troubled Tom. He closed his eyes and sighed. "I'm going to my room." He said, opening his eyes again and without waiting for a response headed up to his room to play Susan, his beloved guitar.

Tord's P.O.V.

He watched Tom head up to his room, then turned to (Y/n). He smiled to himself, he never knew he had such a soft spot for children. "Let's get you some food, (N/n)." You told him/her, seeing that they had smiled at their new nickname they happily replied, "Yes please!" Tord never got tired of (Y/n) constantly being holding onto him, but he still wondered why that he felt he had such a strong connection with them, and why they were scared of Tom. Well sure, black eyes, aggressive attitude. But Tord noticed how Tom had stopped drinking a lot and how himself had stopped smoking more. While thinking all this he had already gathered (Y/n) a meal and she/he ate it hungrily. He chuckled,  watching them eat it so quickly.

She/he yawned, "You tired? C'mon, time to get to sleep." Tord said, (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear and her breath became shaky, "No!No! I'm good! I'm not tir-" She/he was interrupted by another yawn. Tord looked at him/her warmly, he picked her/him up gently and walked over to set them in the couch carefully, tucking them into a blanket. Almost 5 minutes they were sound asleep. He didn't even notice Edd walk up. "Didn't know you had such a soft spot for kids." Edd spoke. Tord shrugged, "I didn't either." Apparently Edd noticed how he was looking at (Y/n). "Something wrong?" He asked. "Don't say 'no', I know something is wrong. 'Kay?" Tord sighed. "It's not much, really. It's fine. There i didn't say 'no' exactly. Happy?"

"Nope, not one bit."

"Good, now go to to your room or something."

"You need sleep too, you know Tord."

"I know, mother."

"Fine, g'night."


Your P.O.V.

The thought of sleeping still scared you to death but you couldn't help it. With a full stomach and easy mind, you gradually fell asleep.

Entering Dreamland

 Flashing images in your head of the times you were happy, then yourself screaming mixed with giggling. The image of you confined to the ground, unable to move, while still thinking of when you were just running free in the field Lulu always in you hand. You wished you could have it all back and just then you saw Tord. . . . he was younger though. About 14, 15 maybe. You laughed and ran up to him, hugging him instantly, "Nice to see you too, (Y/n)."  Tord said, but you just looked up at him expectantly, "And hello, Lulu too." Then you smiled and he picked you up tickling you. You giggled uncontrollably and finally calmed down when he stopped. "Let's go to Mum now," You nodded as he carried inside the house. He set you down then walked over to Mum who had a man with black eyes you stared at him, curious. You just stood next to them, overhearing their conversation. "Mum! What the heck is going on?" Tord asked, he seemed anxious. Mum tensed up while the other person just stayed quiet. "I-I, it's hard to explain, Tord. It's. . .  complicated." Mum answered. Why was she so worried? "Tord, as you know your family has been in the Red Army for generations." The man with black eyes said. Tord nodded slowly. "And you also know that my family has been in the Blue Army for very, very long time." The man said. "My father has declared war. I hope that's enough."  Tord just stared at the man in shock, trying to find words. It sent shivers up your spine, seeing your older brother so scared. You leaned into him, making him jump a little. The person with black eyes looked at you straight in the eyes. You were confused and scared, what was war? And why did they have it? Was it bad? Are we going to get hurt? As you were thinking these, Mum came over and picked you up to leave Tord and Tom to talk ( cougcoughtheirtotallynotgoingtofightcouchcough) "Mummy, what's war?" You thought you'd ask her while you had the chance. "It's nothing you need to worry about sweety, now off to bed." Mum said and you headed to your room.

Exiting Dreamland


Word count: 995

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