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Akira! I yelled hoping he would respond. I haven't seen him in months. I wonder where he went? What happened to him? I know he has his job but I know something is wrong. Is it that new girl that works with him? What's her name again.... hmm.... I think it was Futaba? Yeah, that's her name. Why is Akira ignoring me? Is it something I did? Should I go up to him? Maybe he didn't hear me. I walked up to akira. He looked so hot from behind. Your about to tap his shoulder when Futaba jumps on Akira. "Hey there Akira, I missed you. Hurry home" futaba says. Akira chuckles at futaba and gives her a piggy back ride back home.

You don't know if you should follow him or to walk back to what you were doing. Your so mad that you can't contain it and you kick the garbage can. "Ouch!!!" You yell. You had to follow them. You had to see what they were up to. You follow them from a far away distance and you see them in a park. Akira was pushing Futaba on the swings. Futaba jumped off and she fell. She ended up scraping her knee. Now is my chance, you say to yourself.

You go up to Futaba with some bandages you had in your purse and you help her with her cut. Akira looks at you and smiles. He says in a playful voice "where have you been? I missed you". But because you were angry at him you say "where have I been? Where have you been... You left me without saying a thing". He nods his heads and smiles. "True true, I will admit". You finish helping Futaba. She gets a phone call and it was very urgent. She excused herself and left. I wonder what was up with her. Wait... I have alone time... with Akira. Yay.

Akira X Reader Where stories live. Discover now