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I pulled up at the end of Jack's street and looked at Ash. She was checking herself in the mirror and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I gotta dress to impress," she said as she motioned for me to unlock the door. I unlocked the doors and looked at her,

"Be carful."

She rolled her eyes, "Alright!" She kissed my cheek and opened the door, "Three days!" She hopped out of the car and held up three fingers before walking down the street. I huffed and banged my head on the steering wheel before putting the car in drive and driving away.



I woke to the sound of the door opening. I heard some shuffling and a girl squeak. A man chuckled,

"Nice try bitch."

I tried to lift my heavy head to see what was going on and faintly saw to figures coming down the stairs. I could make out a girl being shoved down the stairs by a guy. When they got to the bottom she struggled, trying to get out of his grip. The guy kicked the girl in the kneecap, causing her to scream out in pain and collapse. He dragged her to the chair next to me and strapped her to it. She looked over and made eye contact. At that moment I paled as I recognized her.

"Hey smartass Samantha," Ash croaked out.

I frowned at her, "What are you doing here?"

She huffed and glared at me, "I was here trying to rescue you. Do therefore, if I die, it'll be all your fault."

I scoffed, "Just the kind of stress I needed right now." She shot me a sarcastic grin and stared at the ceiling. "Try counting the cracks," I said trying to lighten the mood,
"I bet you can't." She ignored me and continued to stare at the ceiling. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Why are you trying to talk to me? You know I hate your guts," she mumbled.

I opened my eyes and looked at her, "Why?" She raised her eyebrows in curiosity and I continued, "Why do you hate me?"

She pressed her lips into a thin line and looked away, "You really don't know?" I shook my head, which was a mistake since I was already light headed. She huffed, "Because, it was your fault I almost died in Paris. If you would have just stayed put like you were supposed to I wouldn't have had to go out to find you. And if I didn't have to do that I wouldn't have had to embarrass myself by getting rescued by Biersack!" She explained. I looked at her surprised. She sighed and muttered an apology.

"Why did you apologize?" I asked.

"'Cause honestly now that I think about it, that's a pussy reason to hate you." I giggled and nodded. She laughed slightly and groaned, "I'm hungry." I frowned and agreed. We chatted for a bit about girly shit. Like boys, music, and clothing trends. I adored Ash's fashion. It was very unique and showed she was not to be fucked with, or scared to be herself. We both froze when the door opened and someone started walking downstairs.

"Well, well, it's true!" Jack exclaimed. "Good 'ol Ash tried to swap sides! What a trick! But not smart either." He walked over towards her chair and slapped her. She yelped and struggled against the bonds. I frowned as I saw her eyes tear up as he went to slap her again.

I built up some courage and yelled at him, "It's very low to hit a lady!" He turned and looked at me like I was stupid. "I mean who want to be with a guy who hits women?" His face darkened and he walked over to me. I felt myself start to shake slightly.

He leaned over me and smirked, "You if you know what's good for you." I gulped as he bent down and pecked my lips. He stood up straight again and backhanded me. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard his footsteps going away from me and up the stairs. As soon as I heard to door open and close I opened my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked me.

I nodded, "Are you?"

She nodded and sighed, "You shouldn't have done that."

"What should I have done? Just sit there as he beat you? Fuck that." She rolled her eyes but I saw a ghost if a smile on her lips.

I hummed and took in a breath, "So. Did my brother make you come rescue me?" I questioned.

She shook her head, "No. Im helping Biersack. He was the only one who wanted to save you."

I bit my lip and I felt my eyes water, "Really?" I cursed at myself when my voice cracked.

She nodded sadly and sighed, "If it makes you feel better if this happened again I'd want to save you." I smiled slightly and laughed. We chatted a little longer before she crashed. I sighed and closed my eyes, wishing to be home.



I lied in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I missed them both. I was so scared that they weren't okay. I don't know why I care about Sam but I do. And Ash, she's been like a sister to me. I'd honestly give my life for her.

I sighed and sat up, looking around the room. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Normally I'd ignore it but this was serious. I hopped out of the bed and pulled on some jeans and a shirt. I put on my boots and grabbed my handgun before running out of my room and down the stairs. I ran outside and got into my car before quickly driving away. As I pulled onto the street I got even more worried. I pulled into the driveway and something just wasn't right. I hopped out of my car and made my way towards the house, gripping the gun with all of my strength.

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