Chapter Four

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Don't panic. Just don't panic. I breathed in and out deeply. Just stay awake and don't panic. I kept repeating those words in my head. But all they succeeded in doing was making me even more tired. I had been in the same spot for hours now and the sun was starting to set. I was going to die here. Alone. Without even getting to say goodbye to Mika. Is it weird to fall in love with someone you haven't even met in real-life? I guess, but I could care less. My eyes fluttered closed as my exhaustion and pain took over my body. This was the end of the line for me. I was going to d-

Third Person

Mika kicked his bike aside as he reached the camp. Running to the cabins he searches for Yuu. Spotting him he grabs him by the collar. "Where is she?!" Yuu grabbed Mika's hands. "She's this way, Guren has all the stuff ready, we can head out now." Mika growled slightly as he let go of Yuu. It's not that Mika hated Guren, he just didn't trust him. At all. But as long as he helped him get to (Y/N) he'd just have to deal with him.

After a short hike back to where (Y/N) fell Guren began to tie a rope to a nearby rock. "I'll go in and get her, when I say so you guy's pull the rope up OK?" Mika shook his head. "Not OK. I'm going down to get her." Guren scoffs and glares at the blonde-haired boy. "Why would I let you do-

"BECAUSE SHE'S MY GIRL!" Mika punches Guren in the gut. "Mine."

Guren groans and chuckles. "I doubt she knows that." Mika growls and grabs the loose end of the rope. Without waiting for anyone's permission he begins to rappel down the side of the trail. Reaching the bottom he scans the forest floor bathed in shadows. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you down here?" A quiet whimper was the only answer. Quickly running over to the source of the noise he sees her. Gently picking the broken girl up, he holds her close. "It's going to be OK, you're going to be OK." (Y/N) cuddles closer to the warm body of the stranger.

Mika walks carefully back to rope, tying it around his waist while holding (Y/N) tightly yet gently. He pulls twice on the rope. Guren and the others pull both teens up to safety. Mika refusing to let go of (Y/N) until they returned to camp. Guren ran to get the camp van. After everyone piled in, with Mika holding (Y/N) in the middle seat, the went to the hospital. (Y/N) was pried from Mika's arms. Once the doctors took her away he broke down.

"I'm so sorry Mika..." Yuu said quietly. Mika shook his head. "How could you let this happen? You know how much she means to me..." Shinoa stands up from a hospital chair. "Don't blame us, it was an accident, she fell, there was nothing we could do. I know it sucks but it's the truth." Mika simply moved to a corner and curled up there. Dang it...please be OK (Y/N)...I need you...I-I love you...

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