Chapter 23: If This Was A Movie

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Two months has passed. Two months since the announcement of her engagement to Logan Henson. Two whole months since her break up with Maxie. Amelia has managed to bury herself with her work, there is still a dull ache in her chest when her mind randomly conjures up an image of Maxie on her downtime. Throwing herself to her work gives her the distraction she needs to not think of the girl. When she's not working she's with her mom planning her wedding but she barely pays any attention to it. Some night she goes out with her friends and they help her enough to at least divert her mind from going back to some raven haired girl. She avoids all the places she's gone to with Maxie and hasn't step a foot at the bar the girl owns. She wishes her heart and mind would forget the girl but how can you easily forget the person you thought was your soulmate?

Amelia is forced to go out with Logan to keep up appearances. Every time Logan talks, her mind takes her back to her conversations with Maxie. She can't help but compare the two. She knows it's not fair but she can't help it. With Logan, she has to be proper, regal, present her best self, smile when appropriate and laugh when needed while with Maxie she can be herself, she can let loose, joke around and get silly without worrying about being judged. When Logan tries to kiss her she turns her head to the side so his lips will only attach to her cheeks. Even then she shivers in disgust. Those are not the lips she wants on her cheek and there is no way in hell or high water she'll let those lips kiss her own.

She's currently working on some paperwork when she bumps into a photobooth picture of her and Maxie. It was taken at the early stages of their relationship. At the time, Maxie thought it was silly for them to take a picture in a photobooth when they have phones but the girl barely put up a fight when she drags her inside. It was a picture she can't find herself to throw away so she kept it inside her drawer to avoid looking at it. Now, examining the photos she can't help the ache in her chest as she sees the adoration in her Maxie's eyes reflecting her own. She feels tears prick at her eyes when she sees the last picture of them kissing. The memories of that day vividly replays in her mind.

A knock on her door pulls her out of her memories, she quickly puts the picture back inside the drawer and wipe her tears before telling the person to come in. Melody comes in with a somber expression and something in the way she hesitates makes Amelia worry.

"What is it Melody?" She coaxes gently. Melody's brown eyes is filled with sadness as she looks at her.

"It's your grandfather."

Maxie wipes the glasses as thoroughly as possible before going to the tables and collecting the beer bottles, cans and glasses and wiping the tables before giving the tray to Craig. She can feel Lori's eyes on her but she doesn't care. She needs to keep moving to keep her thoughts away from a certain green eyed girl. She hears the bell chime and greets the new customer going back behind the bar counter.

"You need to stop." Lori tells her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She counters smiling at the customer who took a seat at the bar. "Hi what can I get for you?" She asks and listens to the girl's order. "One sex on the beach coming right up." She recalls the order and set to make the drink, all the while feeling her friend's eyes on her. Once she finishes the drink, she serves it to the customer who smiles flirtatiously at her. Maxie can feel Lori's eye roll at the attempt of the customer.

"Call me." The girl tells her scribbling her phone number on the receipt before walking away from the bar and to a table.

"You need to stop. This is painful to watch." She hears Lori state and she can't help but look at her friend in time to see the phone on the counter light up. Lori picks it up but Maxie already saw the name on the screen and she frowns in confusion.

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