Grandpa's house

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"Faye, you didn't have to come. We could hav-"

"I did," Faye cut off her doppelgänger, who nodded, understandingly. They've grown so close and actually cared for each other. Faye then set her gaze on the original, "What didn't have to come was all of his," she pointed to Klaus, "comments."

Klaus grinned watching as the two look a likes stare at him. "On the contra, love. I think my commentary was quite useful," Klaus mockingly defended himself, fully well knowing his comments weren't shit.

"How? How is saying this town smells rotten and that her circle should find her because the town needs some life in it useful?" Hayley asked, looking at the father of her child. The reason the three were even on Faye's late grandad stairs.

Klaus chuckled and replied, "You girls were too silent. And I wasn't wrong."

"I preferred the silence," both women both snapped and turned to look away from him, causing him to glare at the back of their heads.

Klaus rolled his eyes and waited for Faye to open the door, he could smell her anxiety in the air, and was certain Hayley could too. Deciding to be better than his thoughts, he remained silent.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, Faye twisted the key then the door handle, gasping almost when it opened, out of pure emotion. It looked the same. Hayley instantly gaining a sympathetic look as she rubbed the witch's back. Faye inhaled and put on her best unaffected face though the hybrids could have smelled the pain off her.

"Let's get to looking," Faye commented, walking in, sounding like she wasn't hurting. Klaus and Hayley exchanged quick glances, knowing it would be best to not call her out on her act.

"Okay, but we have no idea what we are looking for. Where would be the best place to start?" Hayley asked, looking around at the cabin like house. It was cozy and dated in a sense. Her eyes trailing over to the maps covering the windows, curious.

"Books. Maybe he kept a book, a journal, something in writing on how he got her to leave you alone," Klaus was many things and smart is definitely one of them. Hayley looked at him wordlessly before nodding. That seemed fair enough.

"You may be a dick Klaus but at least you're smart. If you weren't Hayley's baggage, I might have let you fall in love with me," Faye commented. Being bitchy helped distract her from the pain, she send a wink to Klaus. He chuckled and bowed his head, dimples poking out. Hayley rolled her eyes.

"He isn't my baggage, just my child's father," Hayley mumbled, walking over to a bookshelf.

"I'm not tied to Hayley sweetheart. I'm free to be with anyone, even if it's you. It'd just look pathetic that I got with someone who looks just like my ex," Klaus winked at Faye teasingly who smirked. His attention then landed on Hayley to see her reaction but her back was facing him as she pulled a book from the shelf. He tried smelling the air for her emotions but he didn't pick up jealousy or anything. And it got to him a bit.


"We've been here for hours and we haven't found anything!" Klaus was the first to complain. Obviously.

Hayley rolled her green eyes. "Patience is virtue, Klaus," she spoke very annoyed by the man she once loved enough to lose herself for. Faye, ignoring the two, eyes scanning the last book in the house for something, anything.

"Patience left this house hours ago, as we should have done. This place is useless and reeks of loneliness and regret......with a hint of bread," Klaus spoke. Hayley's lips parted a bit, her eyes squinted looking at Klaus. She was thrown off by the bread part was deciding whether or not to comment about it. Klaus smirking at her almost cutely.

Hayley rolled her eyes. "Maybe it isn't in a book?" She decided to suggest instead. She doesn't care how long she has to stay here. She just wants to find a way to get that bitch to back off her daughter.

"Gramps never left important things in his pocket. He always forgot them and washed them," Faye paused but then added, "Wasted a lot of money..."

Hayley sighed and ran her hand through her brown locks. Maybe this was a dead end. The drive and coming here was all for nothi- well not, nothing, Faye got to come back to place of her seemingly favorite person.

"Of course. Thanks for wasting my time," Klaus hollered laughing, though it was obviously an annoyed one.

"I told you guys it might have been a waste of time! But Elijah insisted! I didn't mean to drag you and your high hopes here! So just stop blaming me, I'm trying!!" Faye shouted at Klaus.

Both hybrid looked at her wordlessly. Faye shook her head and take off through the front door. She was there too long. The emotions had caught up with her. And her first reaction to overwhelming emotions is always anger.

Moments of silence passed. "What? Not going after her?" Klaus asked, looking Hayley dead in her eyes.

Hayley shook her head. "Not yet. She needs time to at least feel like she is bonding with her grandfather. She needs to be alone for now."

Klaus shook his head, he didn't much care for the witches' emotions. "Great, so now we are stuck here," his tone was annoyed and blaming.

Hayley has had enough of him for about one day. "Listen to yourself! Whole day you spent blaming Faye and I for wasting your time! All you did was complain from the moment we drove here! Shit, Klaus, I'm not happy with this situation but you don't hear me complaining! And you wanna know why?" It was rhetorical, and she didn't give him time to answer before continuing, "Hope! I can stay here and search all night if it means keeping her safe! I don't like it but I love her! I'm missing her right now and all you care about is your time!"

She began to walk over to him until they were stood face to face, angry green eyes met stubborn blue ones, willing himself to not let any emotion slip. "If you hadn't notice we are no longer on Klaus time, or the Mikealson's time. We are now on Lana's time and I'd be damned wasting a moment of it that can be used to defeat her."

And with that and one last harsh stare, Hayley backed away, seeing Klaus' harden face. He looked like he took in every word and felt guilty yet he was too stubborn to let his emotions show. Hayley exhaled. "Being about Klaus, is tedious at times. We have to do shit we sometimes don't want to. But it's worth it. Hope is worth it," Hayley preached, sending him a caring look before speeding off.

Klaus exhaled and hung his head low. Hayley was right.

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