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 Capitulum XII

It’s odd how you can feel the difference of auras in certain locations, such as the friendly genuineness or the overwhelming pseudo feeling. It doesn’t happen in every area, but sometimes it’s blatantly overwhelming. Tricky factors can throw off your perception though, such as something familiar making you feel more at home and a strange place. In my case, it was the opposite. The area around the house that I was in was ominous, but that was really just because I didn’t know where I was. Not only had I never been outside of our pentagon of towns, but no one had even dared to touch the forest that encircled it. Why? Was there a danger prowling around the corner of every tree? a parasite making a home in every grass? Were the seemingly lovely people who took my friends and I into their home actually monsters who had a hobby of baring their teeth at night when only the moon can see them gleam?


I jumped and strangely enough found myself gasping for air. Water splashed around me and dripped down my hair and back. A negative side of my frequent losses in thought is that I literally forget where I am - at this moment it was a bathtub - and get to some hardcore deep thinking. Negative for me because I look dumb, and negative for everyone else because they get to see me in one of my… moods.

“Sierra? A little privacy here?” I grumbled while sinking lower into the frothy water.

She crossed her arms. “You’ve been in here for half an hour, it’s time to get out. Layne and Faelern want to teach us some stuff so come on.”

“Who’s Faelern?” I grumbled as the door was slammed shut.

I grudgingly lifted myself from the lukewarm water and grabbed a towel to dry off my hair a little. Once it was wrapped around my waist, the door opened yet again.

“What’s taking so long, amici?” Jace gleefully asked.

“Oh come on guys, I don’t need a babysitter! Does no one understand that I’m naked in here? You can’t just walk in randomly…”

“That’s why I was sent in here instead of Sierra. It’s not like I haven’t seen you like this before,” my friend joked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just get out,” I lowly sighed while hanging my head and pushing the door shut.

As I looked down, I noticed something odd on the surface of my skin. There was a line from the center of my ribcage jaggedly ripping over to the left side of my waist. A smooth film-like layer of skin appeared to be on top of it as if it was a scar. I was sure I never got attacked there, though, unless Maelstrom had been more vicious than I remembered. I wasn’t able to ponder about it for as long as I liked to, as I had people waiting on me - impatiently. My hands forced a coarse, beige peasant shirt over my head, and tucked it into some baggy brown pants. It wasn’t really my style; it was more like an outfit for a pirate(or how the books I read about them make them sound), but I could settle.

“Alright, what’s so important that I got two messengers sent after me?” I asked as soon as I identified the group of me as my friends.

They separated down the middle and revealed a man a couple inches taller than me, sporting a sour face. He looked pretty young despite his unflattering attitude, but I could swear he was going to wave his fist and call me a “whippersnapper” at any second.

“Training. I figured that if you are who Fallon says you are, you’d act more seriously about this,” he spoke with a surprisingly deep and velvety voice.

“Yeah well I try to tell her to not to spread around how diligent I’ll be about something,” I shrugged. “I let down a lot of people that way.”

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