Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Annalise POV

I hate this fucking song!" I growled out loud while rushing over to press next on my iPod.

I bobbed my head in time to the music while gathering up the remainder of my clothes and shoving them haphazardly into my gym bag. I deftly moved my hands in between the junk strewn across my desk and slid my toiletries into the same bag.

Looking in the mirror, I figured I might as well do my hair sooner than later. After countless attempts to tame my unruly hair, I sighed in frustration, slamming my brush down on my desk. While cursing under my breath, I decided a simple ponytail would have to suffice.

I gathered my champagne coloured locks together, opting for a hair tie with a bow as opposed to the typical and boringly original black ties I had surrounding my belongings. Just as I had the hair tie in place, I heard shuffling from behind me. While spraying my hair with a vast amount of hairspray, I swivelled around in my chair catching a glimpse of my older sister through the clouds of smoky hair product.

She stepped carefully through the disaster I had made in my room before taking a seat on my double bed. Sighing, she slowly twirled her auburn hair with her index finger before glancing up at me from beneath her lashes, staring imploringly at me.

"What?" I ground out rather rudely.

She giggled before falling back against my pillows. "Well aren't we in a fantastic mood this morning?"

I decided it wouldn't be in my best interest to ignore her so I stood up and closed the distance between her and I, sitting down beside her before poking her in the side.

"Hey!" she exclaimed.

Now it was my turn to start giggling. "Hey what?" I asked, faking innocence.

"You know-" she started, "You're seriously fucking up the ozone with your hair crap."

I frowned at her, my face contorting into what I suspected to be a rather unattractive look. Pushing my hands into the tight pockets of my skinny jeans, I looked down at her and was about to reply when there was a knock downstairs.

"I'll get it." she offered quickly, "I bet it's Brennan, so I'd advise you pack up the rest of your stuff as we both know how impatient his adoptive parents can be."

I smiled gratefully before pushing myself off my bed and wandering over to my dresser opening and closing drawers, making sure I had everything since Petawawa didn't have a mall to buy any forgotten items. Just as I was about to throw my iPod on top of everything else, my bedroom door flew open with a loud crack. I jumped three feet in the air, screamed like a child, and threw my iPod at my door where Brennan thankfully caught it.

"Scaredy cat!" Brennan laughed, tossing my iPod into my bag.

I growled. Not really in the mood for his banter this morning. Especially this early.

"Are you ready to go now?" I asked him while grabbing ahold of my two large duffel bags. He nodded enthusiastically, making me wonder how on earth he could be so bubbly this early in the morning. Lugging my bags behind me, I stopped in my doorway admiring the large hole in the door Brennan left from kicking it in seconds prior. I sighed knowing my foster parents would yell at me for the damage done. Glaring him down, I pushed my way past him and upon arriving downstairs I saw my sister was talking to Brennan's mother. Dropping my bags with a loud thump, both Clara and my sister turned around.

"Annalise!" Clara smiled, "It's so nice to see you again, it's been awhile since you've stopped by the house to say hello to my husband and I."

I grinned letting her envelop me into a rather uncomfortable hug.

"Well, you know how it is, I've been so busy with my university schedule that I've barely had time for myself, let alone anyone else. I'm sorry, I'll have to make a point to stop by more often." I said after pulling away from the awkward embrace and trying to flatten my hair.

"Oh yeah!" She gushed, "What program are you in? Sociology?"

"Psychology." I corrected her.

She smiled before turning to my sister who was now leaning against the kitchen island reading a gossip magazine. She waved a perfectly manicured hand in my sisters direction trying to grab her attention.

"Carmen!" I whisper-yelled, pointing at Brennan's mom.

Carmen looked up from her magazine to acknowledge Clara. While they discussed Carmen's plans for summer - which I already knew was going to consist of parties, boys and most probably a night or two in the emergency department for stitches as she was the girl always fighting with other girls - I hauled my bags to Clara's blue Ford Fusion.

Climbing into the backseat beside Brennan, I finally let myself close my eyes hoping to get in a few more hours of rest before we ended up in Petawawa. I hadn't had my eyes closed for more than two minutes when I heard snickering. My eyes flew open and landed on Brennan. Glaring at him for the second time this morning, I smacked him in the temple.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I asked, throughly exasperated at this point.

"You're drooling." He pointed out while stifling another snicker of amusement.

To say I wasn't amused at all would be a complete understatement. I figured I'd be lacking sleep today as napping clearly wasn't going to be an option with Brennan around. He was having none of it unfortunately.

I stuck my tongue out at him in a childish gesture. He responded by mimicking me.

Yep. This was sure to be a long trip I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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