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    I stand there my uncle dead by my hand on the ground. Lord Daniel wit a knife at his neck.
    "What are you going to do with us?" Sequels the girl.
    "Well I'm always in need of a Queen." I say with a simple. Lady Johnson smiles.
    "Set  my father free, and I will be your queen." I look at the 18 year old girl in thought. She was known for her beauty, and health, and strong enough to bear child.
    "Ok then I'll send you with an escort of men." I replied. They set off, and as I watched them I leaned over to one of my captains and said.
    "Once they are in Roose borders kill him." As they left I smiled, and turned to my new queen.
    " We shall marry in 30 days." I snap my fingers.
    "Let us celebrate with a great fiest."I walk into the castle, and up to my room were pinned a letter to the Turners that read.

Dear Lord , Turner

    I have found it that the Johnson house has fell out of its place. With this I request that you join me in invading the North.

                                                signed                                                  King Zacoin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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